I've resolved to smile more, even when there's no reason to. It might make me look friendlier.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Back-tracking slightly...
I've resolved to smile more, even when there's no reason to. It might make me look friendlier.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A spot of dust
Last night's thievery totally overshadowed the amazing dust storm that swept through NSW yesterday - don't know about you, but i enjoyed a taste of the apocalypse. So now we all know what it would be like to live Mars i suppose. The TV stations enjoyed it though. Whenever Channel 9 went to an ad break it played either 'I See Red' or 'No Air'. Hilarious.
Anyway, here are some pics Jo took from the apartment...

A discourse on scum.
But listen, i totally don't hold grudges. You're probably a really valued member of society, and I'm sure your friends and family are really proud of the human being you've turned out to be.
Actually, you know what? I do hold grudges. Hope you get hit by a bus tomorrow.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
Ashley snuck McDonalds apple pie in - and i wanted it.
Um, excuse me - but if you like it then you should have put a ring on it.
Saturday morning i was still pretty hyped, which was lucky cause i had to get up early (well, early for me on a Saturday) to go meet Faatasi in the city - we went to check out the Museum of Contemporary Art, because, we determined, that is what adults do on Saturday mornings. And after all, we are adults now. (*sniggers* sure...)
Firstly, i will say that i had my real camera with me, and Faatasi only had his iPhone - yet HE was the one that got busted taking photos (which apparently is not allowed, because God forbid you disturb the art). Also, i would like to clarify that i use the term "art" here loosely - in my opinion, modern art is hit and miss, and certainly doesn't always require talent. For example, a bunch of beer cartons (VB, if you're interested) and packets of nappies strewn haphazardly in the corner of the room does not an artist make as far as I'm concerned. The MCA felt the opposite though, since that was one of the "pieces" that featured. I can't tell you how many times we looked at each other with furrowed brows and to ask "is this really art?" If it is where do I sign up to get my art put on display, cause excuse me, but i could give the beer and nappy lady a run for her money.
Don't get me wrong, there was some really interesting, thought-provoking stuff we loved, like this stuff:
And then of course the stuff that made us say "errr....?"
Naked man says come inside.
Calculator mounted on wall. I'm still so baffled by this that i can't even think of anything witty to say about it.
Faatasi inspects some weird, eye-ball looking stones in glass jars.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's official. I'm a gleek.
And on Tuesday, Kat, Tony and I went to see Inglorious Basterds, which i thought was great - a return to form for Tarantino, and a very entertaining movie all round. Plus seeing Brad Pitt play a southern American pretending to be an Italian was hilarious. But the stand out performance was by Christoph Waltz, the guy who played Hans Landa, otherwise known as "the Jew hunter" - every line he delivered was so chilling, every move he made so deliberate, i just thought he was excellent.
Storyline, you ask? In Nazi occupied France, young Jewish refugee Shosanna witnesses the slaughter of her family by "the Jew hunter" Hans Landa. But she escapes, and plots her revenge several years later when a German war hero takes an interest in her and arranges an important movie premiere at the theater she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance - including Landa - the event catches the attention of the "Basterds", a group of Jewish-American guerrilla soldiers who have made it their mission to hunt down every Nazi they can. Their paths cross with Shosanna on that fateful evening, the outcome of which will change the course of history...

And tomorrow night - Beyonce concert! Can't wait to shake my booty to Single Ladies (whoa oh oh...*hands go woop woop in air*. Will report back over the weekend.
Lastly, let me recount a conversation i had yesterday with my good friend Faatasi, who tried to convince me to learn sign language with him. Yes, you read correctly. Sign language. Now, while the prospect of talking with my hands is kinda tempting, and has a secret agent-esque feel to it that's obviously appealing, the point remains that it feels wrong to learn sign language when a) we aren't actually deaf and b) we don't know anyone that is. Faatasi assures me this isn't true - for example, he says, we can use our new found skill to expose the frauds on the train who pretend to be deaf while shoving a sign in your face asking for two dollars. What if they really ARE deaf though, i dare to ask, but he dismisses the notion instantly. They're not.
OK, fine, that's kinda handy. What else? Well, he tells me, we can talk to each other and no one will know what we're saying! I'm still skeptical. What do we ever have to say that's a secret? Not the point, apparently, and neither is the fact that the last class is on my birthday. What better way to celebrate than to sing Happy Birthday in silence! Still, i push, it's a little bit inappropriate. Surely there's something else we can learn? I trawled the community college site and finally find the answer - Ukulele Essentials. The even provide the ukulele. Faatasi is thrilled. We can start a ukulele band, i say! With spandex costumes, he cries! We proceed to think of every song we can that features a ukulele, like Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head and Somewhere over the Rainbow, before realising that actually, there aren't many songs that do feature a ukulele are there? Still, he isn't deterred. We'll mix our own version of other songs, he says determinedly, starting with Crazy in Love (original sung by Beyonce). Though, he muses, can we dance and sing and strum that fast all at the same time? Best get a lead singer then, just for the fast songs.
And so folks, if you ever see a ukulele-playing-band in town, drop into the show. Cause it might be us.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Birthday props!
On Friday, my dear cousin Daniel reached that age. We'll whisper it together. 30.
To mark this descent into middle-age, Romina threw the party to end all parties, complete with flamenco dancers, free-flowing sangria and an iced vovo cakes. That's right ladies and gentlemen - an iced vovo cake. I'm going to go ahead and say right now that the genius you behold below started right here baby, with yours truly. I mean OK. Romina was right there with me on the idea. And yes, its true she carried it from conception to reality without a hitch. But hello. A creative brain like mine cannot be held back.
Besides. When you think Daniel, you think biscuits. The man's obsessed. I reckon he could smell a biscuit in a cupboard three doors down. He's a connoisseur in the art of biscuit eating. So much so that when he eats them, he experiences a rare form of memory loss similarly experienced by people coming out of a coma - although physically present in the moment, he has no recollection of the events that led him to be holding an empty biscuit packet that a mere 10 minutes ago was still full.
And the iced vovo is his favourite of all my friends. The one he can't live without. I mean, his wedding vows? "Till death do us part, or you take away my iced vovo". Sorry Rom. It's not you. I reckon it's the little pink marshmallows. No-one could compete with those darn things.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Streetcar Named Desire
OK, so not much to report this week, except that Jo has been away in New Zealand visiting the fam, which means i have had 5 days of watching whatever i want whenever i want on foxtel and it has been GREAT. I mean. Of course it's great when he's here. I'm just saying. It's also been great while he's... not. But for the most part it's WAY greater when he's here. Except for the foxtel thing. Cause honestly? That's been...really great.
I'm talking unlimited access to SVU, Oprah, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Friends, Project Runway, Sex and the City, the Gilmore Girls....and new discoveries too, like 30 Rock, which is really very funny. No Megastructures or Megamachines or Megabuildings!
Not that I'm some sort of television addict. I mean yes, i like watching mindless trash TV. So what? Is that a crime now? And how much TV is too much TV anyway? 5 hours? 6? Says who? I work hard! If i want to watch a few hours of television when i get home than i will! Yes siree bob. No problem here...*stares blankly at screen as brain cells are rapidly vaporised*
Besides, i did do one cultural thing this week - Leah and I went to see Cate Blanchett in the Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Names Desire. Let me just say this:
Cate. Is. Freaken. Amazing.
Seriously. She was fabulous. She was the perfect Blanche DuBois, first of all - sort of reminded me of Vivien Leigh's version in the old movie, except better. She's just so natural, i really can't stop blubbering on about her to anyone who'll listen. When we tried to describe her performance to Chris afterwards, we found ourselves reverently blubbering words like "luminous" and "resplendent" and "gifted", which yes, OK, was probably taking it all a bit too far, but hello. It's Cate Blanchett. We were a tiny bit in awe.
Joel Edgerton was fantastic too, as Stanley (though when it came to his famous line "STELLA!", i think we secretly wanted him to deliver it in a more Elaine-like way than he actually did. She's ruined it for all Stanley's i say.)
I mean it's a great play anyway, but it becomes pretty brilliant when you have two wonderful performers as leads - makes it that much better to watch.
In other news, i learnt a new word today - auspices. I'll let DT tell y'all what it means though, since he's the one who spent half an hour today looking for a definition that made any sense. What a weirdo. *ducks*
Monday, September 7, 2009
She'll be coming round the (blue) mountain(s) when she comes...
The 3 Sisters - legend has it that the three sisters were real - aboriginal women from the Katoomba tribe. They fell in love with three brothers from another tribe, but tribal law forbade them to marry. The brothers would not accept this, and decided to use force to capture the sisters, causing a big battle (men. *shakes head*). Because the lives of the sisters were in danger, a witch doctor turned them into stone to protect them. He intended to turn them back into humans after the battle was over, but alas, as sometimes happens in battle, he was killed, and in a cruel twist of fate, was the only one who could reverse the spell. And so, dear readers, the sisters remain as rock, reminding generations to come that boys are soooooo totally not worth the trouble they cause.
Dawn and I on the train thingy
Oh, that's me riding a copper horse.
Once we got off the train, we took another long and windy walk through the bush. Very cool down in the valley, and we were lucky enough to spot a lyre bird digging around - they are very shy and very rare to see in the wild! We also came across an old cabin used by the minors back in the day - cause they did a lot of mining down there, apparently.
Dawn and I in the cabin. Do you feel transported back in time? Neither did we.
Love this picture Jo!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy Fathers Day Daddy xxx
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A wild time at Wildlife World.
Then it was off to Wildlife World! Which claims to be Australia's number one tourist attraction. Err. Not sure about that, but we did have a good time checking out all the aussie wildlife on show. Here is a selection of what we saw...
I mean. In case you were headed off for a bushwalk and needed to know.