Whenever a new Harry Potter movie comes out, i find myself quickly overtaken by Potter fever - that madness that grabs a hold of me every now and then and forces me to get re-acquainted with my old pals (cause they DO feel like old pals!) Harry, Ron and Hermione. I re-read all the books (yes, right from the beginning), re-watch all the movies and scour the Internet for anything potter-related i may not have stumbled across yet in the last decade.
A decade! It's remarkable really. A whole generation has grown up with Harry Potter.
In fact when i think about it, i can't believe how many times I've fallen in love with this series over and over again in the last ten years. This sounds completely cheesy i know, but honestly, when i need a comfort book, i pull out my potters and feel immediately happy. If i have nothing else i feel like reading, i can pluck one of them off my shelf and am completely content to pick a random page and start reading. That familiarity is one of the things i love best in fact, and i can't tell you how many times these books have saved me from feeling utterly depressed about something or other in my life. Immersing myself in the world of Hogwarts always makes everything better, and i say that ain't a bad thing. Kinda like playing your favourite song when you're feeling like crap really.
So did i like the sixth movie? Need you really ask? Of course i loved it. Better than the others definitely, and filled with funny, sweet, scary, moving moments. If you know me, you know i love Ron and Hermione and always championed them getting together in the end, so i squealed like a teenager at all the hilarious moments between them in this movie :)
And that's my I Love Harry Potter post. Someone turn that into a T.Shirt for me please. I'm off to read Philosopher's Stone for the hundredth time.
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