Before i continue with weekend stories, i must say happy birthday to my gorgeous and hilarious (in equal parts) little cousin Max, whose 1st birthday it is today. On Saturday afternoon we headed over to see him since we can't make it to his birthday party this weekend. As one who never misses the opportunity to get down and boogie however, i decided to bring the par-tay forward a week - so we arrived bearing balloons, gifts, bubbles and most importantly, a birthday cupcake, complete with candle.
Now i must tell you - the loveliest thing about Max is his laugh. When he gets the giggles, which fortunately he does quite often, it really comes from the belly, wheezes and all, and it cracks me up. His reaction to both the elmo balloon and the bubbles was completely satisfying, another thing i love about this kid.
Incidentally, he also enjoyed the cupcake thank you very much. It was gone in under 60 seconds.
Sweetest kid in the world, right? Try putting him to bed...
Max and his birthday cupcake. I blinked and only crumbs remained.
That night, we had a bunch of fun peeps over for the Bledisloe Cup - Tony, Kama, DT, Kevin, Chris and Leah helped us significantly reduce our alcohol supply, and all to see Australia go down to New Zealand by ONE LOUSY POINT DAMMIT! Is it fair? Is it right? Alas, the outcome was the same no matter which way you look at it.
Leah, Kama and I retired upstairs to watch Father of the Bride after dinner, taking a delicious bottle of Tempus Two Muscato with us (it disappeared so quickly - how to explain this? The mind boggles.) It's one of those movies that Leah and I have watched hundreds of times and know off by heart...we belted out all those classic songs too, Going to the Chapel, What's new Pussycat, The Day i met the Boy I'm Going to times, but i think our "enthusiasm" (read: ever-so-slightly drunkenly giddy behaviour) scared Kama. Well. Anyway.
On Sunday we took it easy - something we haven't done in a looooong time. Slept in, watched some Indiana Jones, I went and picked up brekkie at the Burke St Bakery...everyone was happy. And it was hot! Is it winter? 28 degrees and i was sweating out there. It's that weird feeling where your legs have been covered up for like three months, and you feel strangely exposed when you step out in public baring them for the first time as the weather warms up...
That afternoon we took in a walk over to an overpass near the airport where the planes often take off right overhead - Jo took the camera to see if he could get a few good shots, but they weren't taking off in the best spot after all. Still, it was nice to get out and about, and i had my Harry so i was happy...
Me and my other boyfriend
Plane! Plane!
Me! Looking my messy best.
Funny twisted tree that made a cool picture!
Views over the canal
We topped off a great weekend with pizza at Daniel and Romina's place where...yes indeedy....the old wedding album came out and we reminisced on happy times. Note, where there was any sort of action, my Dad's face seemed to be in amongst it. Surprised? Didn't think so. A fun night had by all, as always. Speaking of which, read Romina's blog here. She be funny lady!
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