It is inconceivable to me that it can already be Monday, but alas, the calendar does not lie, and neither does the Monday morning alarm. If I'm ever going to be late to work, you can rest assured it will be on a Monday. (Yes. Yes i was late to work today. Sue me.) (I'm so kidding. Please don't sue me, wonderful workplace that i love.)
David and Mel very kindly took us out to dinner on Friday night to celebrate our engagement, which was super nice of them. We went to a local place in Botany called
Agape, which is an organic restaurant that Mel has been raving about for a while now, so i really wanted to check it out. I wasn't disappointed either, the food was delicious, the atmosphere was great and the service was excellent. Huge portions too, using all local organic ingredients, and so reasonably priced! AND its not 10 minutes from our door.
We finished just in time to make a late movie, and Jo's been hankering to see Invictus (cause it's about rugby and all) so we checked it out and it was very good, i thought. It's been getting mixed reviews...maybe everyone expects more from Clint Eastwood, or maybe people are wanting it to be more about Nelson Mandela's life, rather than about a specific point in time in Mandela's presidency. But i thought it was well made, if a little cheesy at times, and I'm totally man enough to admit i got all teary at the end. Plus Morgan Freeman as Mandela is obviously the role everyone has wanted to see him in for a while, and he did a great job.
I went to see some wedding dressmakers with Leah and Maria (and the pest) on Saturday. I was seeing two, and was really hoping my decision would be made easy by one of them being not so great, but they were both really good, and completely got what i wanted, which they translated into sketches for me. Although I'm VERY excited about my dress (like, for realsies.), i now have to make a decision about which dressmaker i want to go with, which is HARD. Also, seeing yourself in a wedding dress is a completely hilarious and somewhat surreal experience. Predictably, Leah was tearful throughout the whole thing. On the other hand, i couldn't stop laughing. Maria was no help because she loved everything in sight - "I love it Nelsie. I love it." Jack seemed indifferent to everything except the promise of a babycino, which was probably for the best.
His naughtiness was on full display though. Maria was lecturing him about something or other, and ended it by saying "I want you to think about that mister!" He frowned, shoved a stubby finger in her face and said "No, YOU think about it!" Jaws dropped all around. The audacity! The cheek! (Deep down i wanted to laugh my head off. I mean, what a come back. The kid's got nerve.)
On Saturday night we were off to Tony and Kama's for dinner.

(Meet Tony and Kama.)
We found this above their stove top when we arrived, which i thought was super sweet...
She had also written the recipe for the evening's cocktail extraordinaire, the Lemon Drop Martini. And what a drink it was my friends. You're troubles simply float away on a cloud. Since it was already written out, and i am nothing if not a forward thinker, i went ahead and took a picture for y'all so you can make them too. Don't stop at one. Make a few. They're not strong or anything.
What's that you say? I was on the floor after one you say? I don't know what you're talking about. It took at least two to knock me down.
The lethal lemon drop. Do not be fooled by the sugary goodness around the rim.
A delicious dinner was served, and cocktails and wine were consumed. I won't deny the conversation took a turn for the worse. Things got silly. Arguments became heated. I may or may not have insisted that Rufus Wainwright's version of Across the Universe was better than the original Beatles version. Jo may or may not have temporarily stopped speaking to me. But it didn't matter because dessert was served. Behold, the vision that is...
.the strawberry shortcake. Have you ever seen such lusciousness? Such splendor? My only regret is that i couldn't even finish my piece because i was SO full from dinner.
After more music video sing-alongs, Kama and I made the wise decision to take our drunken happy selves upstairs to bed, and left the boys to their own devices. Apparently, they "didn't drink that much more" after we left. LIES, ALL LIES! I don't know what went on downstairs in the wee hours of the morning, but i do know this: it involved Wii wrestling and a lot of beer. *shudders*

Here's what Jo looked like the next day. That's a wet flannel, not a Trojan helmet.
Thankfully, they whipped up an enormous breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon in the morning, which was great cause it meant i didn't have to eat lunch. Or dinner. Except i did eat dinner cause i love to eat, and Thai was on the agenda, and gosh darn it i just couldn't say no. And that was our weekend. P.S - The Biggest Loser has started again - fantastic! Who can forget Bob and Tiffany's road to glory from last season? You show me a person who doesn't tear up watching that show and I'll give you a million dollars. (HA. I totally don't have a million dollars, suckers.)