Spent all day reading Her Fearful Symmetry, which is written by the same person who wrong The Time Traveller's Wife, which is in my top 5 favourite books of all time cause it's so awesome. So i am reading her newest book solely on the basis that i loved her first book so much. All i will say is - total let down. I mean. It's starting to get a bit juicy now, after like 300 pages, but most of it is just not believable at all, and i don't like any of the characters enough to really care about what happens to them, and the writing is actually not good, to the point where I'm actually questioning HOW this can be the same author?? TTTW is SO good and SO well-written and SO believable despite it's strange subject matter...i just don't get it. Oh well. Will persevere, but I'm eager to start something else.
Its STILL raining - hello, since when are we in the tropics? - but it's OK cause Dashboard's playing in the background, i have a bag of marshmallows and it's about time to start a movie. Plus, this guy always keeps me warm and laughin', so who cares what's going on outside.
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