I forgot Earth Hour. My bad.
No but really, does that make me a bad earthling? I do care about conservation, and the environment, and global warming (is it? isn't it? I've lost track of the debate.) And i do try to do my bit. Like, i try to use less toilet paper. Which is a big thing for me because normally i like to use it in excess. And we use those Earth cleaning products at home, which are meant to be organic and environmentally friendly. And i always turn the lights off, and unplug at least some things when I'm not using them. Like...my ipod charger!
I guess what i should be saying is, I'm sorry, Earth. I will endeavour to abuse you less, and love you more. And I'll try really hard to remember your special day next year. Totally.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Shakespeare and birthdays
I've been on the go since Monday, but that's OK. For all my complaining about how busy i always am, i secretly kinda like it. There's always something new happening, and anyway, isn't that the best way to live life? By actually living it? Musing over, i will now recount for you highlights of the week that was.
On Tuesday, Kat and I went to see Bell Shakespeare's production of King Lear, which is one of his more intense, depressing plays, but interesting nonetheless. I've seen the play performed before, but this time we had the pleasure of seeing John Bell himself (founder of the Bell Shakespeare Company and one of Australia's greatest theatre actors) play the part of King Lear. His performance alone was worth the ticket, because he really is brilliant, and obviously passionate about Shakespeare. The language rolls off his tongue like conversation, which makes him so pleasant to listen to. A good production all round, but he was the highlight for sure.
Wednesday saw us at the Macquarie Hotel for cheap drinks (as in, two bottles of champagne for us girls) and a good, old fashioned pub meal with our friends Adrian and Fiona. And Thursday was spent in a mad rush of shopping for our Friday night BBQ with my cousins (all 8 of them, plus Mel and David, plus me and Jo - i was worried where everyone would sit, but we all fit!).
On Saturday, despite staying up till 3.30am the night before watching one Glee episode after the next, we headed over to Daniel and Romina's new house to help them out with a few things before they move in. When i say we, i of course mean Jo. He and Daniel worked the afternoon away while Romina and I sat around looking at wedding magazines and chatting about the (soon-to-be) new baby. Although i, like many, could not say the words 'Daniel' and 'physical labour' in the same sentence without laughing hysterically, my opinion was turned around very quickly that afternoon - he's been working so hard to get this house ready, and it's looking great.
Then it was straight to my parents place for another BBQ - this time in honour of my uncles 70th birthday. We had a very fun night - Jack kept us all entertained as usual. He is enamoured of Cooper, whom he loves to look at, and yell at, and every throw food at....just not actually touch. Well, he is an enormous dog, with enormous chompers. I guess i can see his point. "Do you want to pat him?" i ask. "No thanks," he replies, "I can't." This is his latest thing, 'i can't'. If he doesn't want to eat something particular, or do something particular, the reason is always because 'i can't.' Also, he is being toilet trained at the moment, except that he won't actually participate in the whole 'going to the toilet ON the toilet' thing, which is, i believe, the whole point of toilet training. It's not as if he doesn't understand the concept. "Where do you have to do a poo?" i ask him. "In the toilet!" he replies triumphantly. "And where do YOU do a poo?" Pause. "In my nappy." I call that, toilet training FAIL. Here's some pics from last night:

Jack and Zio Angelo blow the candles out (I love how Jack's muscled his way into the limelight here)
Jack with his eye on the prize - birthday cake!
Jo, Zio and I
Me and Jack

So there you have it folks. Busy busy, but we've had fun. Easter coming up next weekend, which means a 4 day weekend which we'll be spending up on the Gold Coast with David and Mel - David has decided he simply must visit some of the theme parks up there, and so away we go. Also - Leah is having her first bridesmaids fitting this week (since she's leaving soon) and I'm having my first fitting next week - which is kind of exciting!
On Tuesday, Kat and I went to see Bell Shakespeare's production of King Lear, which is one of his more intense, depressing plays, but interesting nonetheless. I've seen the play performed before, but this time we had the pleasure of seeing John Bell himself (founder of the Bell Shakespeare Company and one of Australia's greatest theatre actors) play the part of King Lear. His performance alone was worth the ticket, because he really is brilliant, and obviously passionate about Shakespeare. The language rolls off his tongue like conversation, which makes him so pleasant to listen to. A good production all round, but he was the highlight for sure.
Wednesday saw us at the Macquarie Hotel for cheap drinks (as in, two bottles of champagne for us girls) and a good, old fashioned pub meal with our friends Adrian and Fiona. And Thursday was spent in a mad rush of shopping for our Friday night BBQ with my cousins (all 8 of them, plus Mel and David, plus me and Jo - i was worried where everyone would sit, but we all fit!).
On Saturday, despite staying up till 3.30am the night before watching one Glee episode after the next, we headed over to Daniel and Romina's new house to help them out with a few things before they move in. When i say we, i of course mean Jo. He and Daniel worked the afternoon away while Romina and I sat around looking at wedding magazines and chatting about the (soon-to-be) new baby. Although i, like many, could not say the words 'Daniel' and 'physical labour' in the same sentence without laughing hysterically, my opinion was turned around very quickly that afternoon - he's been working so hard to get this house ready, and it's looking great.
Then it was straight to my parents place for another BBQ - this time in honour of my uncles 70th birthday. We had a very fun night - Jack kept us all entertained as usual. He is enamoured of Cooper, whom he loves to look at, and yell at, and every throw food at....just not actually touch. Well, he is an enormous dog, with enormous chompers. I guess i can see his point. "Do you want to pat him?" i ask. "No thanks," he replies, "I can't." This is his latest thing, 'i can't'. If he doesn't want to eat something particular, or do something particular, the reason is always because 'i can't.' Also, he is being toilet trained at the moment, except that he won't actually participate in the whole 'going to the toilet ON the toilet' thing, which is, i believe, the whole point of toilet training. It's not as if he doesn't understand the concept. "Where do you have to do a poo?" i ask him. "In the toilet!" he replies triumphantly. "And where do YOU do a poo?" Pause. "In my nappy." I call that, toilet training FAIL. Here's some pics from last night:
My uncle with his three nieces
Today, Jo played squash so i took a walk and ended up and Bourke St Bakery for coffee and toast with ricotta and jam (a surprisingly delicious combination), before coming home to watch Bride Wars, which was uninspiring to say the least. Especially for a wedding movie. Then we decided to go to the beach this afternoon for a walk and a quick bite, since it was such a nice day, and who knows when the crazy whether will kick in again.
So there you have it folks. Busy busy, but we've had fun. Easter coming up next weekend, which means a 4 day weekend which we'll be spending up on the Gold Coast with David and Mel - David has decided he simply must visit some of the theme parks up there, and so away we go. Also - Leah is having her first bridesmaids fitting this week (since she's leaving soon) and I'm having my first fitting next week - which is kind of exciting!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Back to the Creek.
So, I spent the weekend watching Dawson's Creek. (Hey. Don't judge me. We've all been there.) The story goes like this - back in the day, my friends and I were obsessed with this show. Leah and I would dissect the story lines and the characters week after week. We hated Dawson, the over-analytical killjoy, whose moral high ground, ridiculous vocabulary and bad metaphors made us throw our hands up in frustration. We rooted for Pacey, the perennial underachiever and bad boy, cause he was the underdog, and sincere, and just so goddarn cute. He was the man of the show. And we despaired over WHY these two were so hung up on JOEY, the neurotic smartypants whose side-smile and squinty eyes made us puke cause she was JUST SO ANNOYING!
Over ten years later, I'm pleased to confirm that our opinions haven't changed one bit. We've been planning a Dawson's Creek marathon for so long (because yes, i do own the box set), but never seemed to get around to it. Since she's packing her bags for London - permanently - in just three weeks, we decided we'd better get cracking. And so the weekend was spent with our old friends from Capeside, commiserating with them, laughing with them, but mostly yelling at them from the comfort of the lounge. Highlights include:
We also provided insightful and lengthy commentary. Such as: "Oooh, it's pensive Pacey. He's reflecting on the days when he and Dawson were brothers, not enemies. Can their friendship be repaired? His despairing look says no. Well. He did lose all of Dawson's money. The money that was going to fund his first feature film. The money that Dawson trusted him to invest, since he turned all fancy-pants share-trader on us. Just go be a chef Pacey. That's all you're good for. (I didn't mean that. I was just mad. I love you.)"
Or: "Ugh, there she goes again with the squinty eyes. It's that 'I'm-figuring-it-all-out-as-i-speak' look. God i hate her. She's so whiny. No wonder someone sabotaged the mural she painted for the school, which got Pacey into a fist-fight on her behalf and nearly expelled, which made Dawson super jealous, even though he was the one who asked Pacey to be there for her in the first place, since he couldn't because it hurt too much to be around her after she broke up with him at the end of Season 2."
Or, "Die Dawson, die. Nobody likes you. You'll be a virgin forever. Even though i hate Joey, it was still totally slack of you to reject her when she took her top off and offered herself to you at that party you had to raise money to fix your Dad's boat, which you crashed because that ho-bag Eve was trying to get jiggy with it and all you wanted to do was get to know her, intellectually of course, not physically."
And don't think it was just those three that got trashed. We had plenty of ammo leftover for Jen (who bores us to tears - the most exciting thing she did was die, in the last episode), Gail (Dawson's mother - OMG Gail, i can't believe you would have an affair with your co-anchor when you have the perfect male specimen in MITCH waiting at home for you every night!), Jack (we get it, you're gay. Boo hoo.), and alas, even Grams (Isn't she dead yet? What kind of grandmother allows these shenanigans to go on under her own roof?)
In short, we had a fantastic weekend. It brought back so many memories - and yeah, we totally did belt out that theme song. Shamelessly. Several times.
Leah! This is for you - because Kate. Is Amazing.
Over ten years later, I'm pleased to confirm that our opinions haven't changed one bit. We've been planning a Dawson's Creek marathon for so long (because yes, i do own the box set), but never seemed to get around to it. Since she's packing her bags for London - permanently - in just three weeks, we decided we'd better get cracking. And so the weekend was spent with our old friends from Capeside, commiserating with them, laughing with them, but mostly yelling at them from the comfort of the lounge. Highlights include:
We also provided insightful and lengthy commentary. Such as: "Oooh, it's pensive Pacey. He's reflecting on the days when he and Dawson were brothers, not enemies. Can their friendship be repaired? His despairing look says no. Well. He did lose all of Dawson's money. The money that was going to fund his first feature film. The money that Dawson trusted him to invest, since he turned all fancy-pants share-trader on us. Just go be a chef Pacey. That's all you're good for. (I didn't mean that. I was just mad. I love you.)"
Or: "Ugh, there she goes again with the squinty eyes. It's that 'I'm-figuring-it-all-out-as-i-speak' look. God i hate her. She's so whiny. No wonder someone sabotaged the mural she painted for the school, which got Pacey into a fist-fight on her behalf and nearly expelled, which made Dawson super jealous, even though he was the one who asked Pacey to be there for her in the first place, since he couldn't because it hurt too much to be around her after she broke up with him at the end of Season 2."
Or, "Die Dawson, die. Nobody likes you. You'll be a virgin forever. Even though i hate Joey, it was still totally slack of you to reject her when she took her top off and offered herself to you at that party you had to raise money to fix your Dad's boat, which you crashed because that ho-bag Eve was trying to get jiggy with it and all you wanted to do was get to know her, intellectually of course, not physically."
And don't think it was just those three that got trashed. We had plenty of ammo leftover for Jen (who bores us to tears - the most exciting thing she did was die, in the last episode), Gail (Dawson's mother - OMG Gail, i can't believe you would have an affair with your co-anchor when you have the perfect male specimen in MITCH waiting at home for you every night!), Jack (we get it, you're gay. Boo hoo.), and alas, even Grams (Isn't she dead yet? What kind of grandmother allows these shenanigans to go on under her own roof?)
In short, we had a fantastic weekend. It brought back so many memories - and yeah, we totally did belt out that theme song. Shamelessly. Several times.
Leah! This is for you - because Kate. Is Amazing.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
How is a raven like a writing desk?
Last night, Kat, DT and I headed off to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (in 3D, which is the thing these days isn't it?) It was enjoyable. I suppose that's a bit of a flat thing to say, but the thing is, it wasn't the masterpiece i think most people were expecting it to be. Its wonderful in a visual way, which is typical Burton, with fantastical imagery and all sorts of strange, almost gothic creatures and ideas weaving their way through the film. Johnny Depp is great as the mad hatter, and Helena Bonham Carter stands out as the Queen of Hearts. But it didn't go any deeper than that for me. Still worth a look, if you're into that kind of thing.
We spend some time with Jack over the weekend, whom i haven't seen since before i went to New Zealand - but i swear, he's changed in just a month! (Maria - he needs a haircut. For reals.) He's talks non-stop, and everything that comes out of his mouth at the moment is hilarious. I just have no idea where he gets it. He has a kiwi toy that we brought back from NZ for him last time we were there, which he adores right now. He sings it a lullaby before bed, and lovingly refers to it as "my kiwi". Here's a photo montage for ya (cause everybody loves a montage)...

We spend some time with Jack over the weekend, whom i haven't seen since before i went to New Zealand - but i swear, he's changed in just a month! (Maria - he needs a haircut. For reals.) He's talks non-stop, and everything that comes out of his mouth at the moment is hilarious. I just have no idea where he gets it. He has a kiwi toy that we brought back from NZ for him last time we were there, which he adores right now. He sings it a lullaby before bed, and lovingly refers to it as "my kiwi". Here's a photo montage for ya (cause everybody loves a montage)...
Jack quickly checks his emails on the blackberry before dinner
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Things of note this week
1. I started back at work after two weeks off. Bah, i can't even talk about it any more than this.
2. Romina and i went to see the movie 'Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky' as part of the French Film Festival on Tuesday. Last year we went to see Coco Avant Chanel, the movie about Coco Chanel before she really became Chanel, so this seemed the natural follow up. It's set around the time Chanel is preparing to release her first perfume - Chanel No. 5 - and the affair she embarks on with the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky in that same year. It was definitely a much darker film than the first one, and obviously a much darker period in her life. We enjoyed it, and it definitely left us with lots to discuss.
3. We went to see baby Zara on Thursday, and she is gorgeous. Her features are so petite and delicate, and she's so teeny tiny it's hard to imagine that one day she's going to be human-size, like the rest of us. Even though she was a few weeks early, and should technically STILL be in her mothers tummy right now, she is doing beautifully. And the girl can eat, let me tell you.
Jo and Zara (she's just fixing her hair for the photo).
"Hmm, yes, hello adult human. Feed me please."
"I know, I'm adorable. But get the camera out of my face, crazy lady."
Zara's "sister" Cino. She's suffering from lack of attention right now, and made no secret of the fact.
2. Romina and i went to see the movie 'Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky' as part of the French Film Festival on Tuesday. Last year we went to see Coco Avant Chanel, the movie about Coco Chanel before she really became Chanel, so this seemed the natural follow up. It's set around the time Chanel is preparing to release her first perfume - Chanel No. 5 - and the affair she embarks on with the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky in that same year. It was definitely a much darker film than the first one, and obviously a much darker period in her life. We enjoyed it, and it definitely left us with lots to discuss.
3. We went to see baby Zara on Thursday, and she is gorgeous. Her features are so petite and delicate, and she's so teeny tiny it's hard to imagine that one day she's going to be human-size, like the rest of us. Even though she was a few weeks early, and should technically STILL be in her mothers tummy right now, she is doing beautifully. And the girl can eat, let me tell you.
4. Last night, Jo and I went to see The Hurt Locker. This movie won Best Picture at the Academy Awards, and now that I've seen it, i can appreciate why. I thought it was going to be just another (boring) American war movie - but i was very wrong. Yes, it's about the war in Iraq, but it focuses on a U.S Army Explosive Ordinance Disposal team - or, the bomb squad. These guys have the unpleasant job of making sure explosive devices are rendered safe. And in a place like Iraq, bombs are a part of every day life. I was literally on the edge of my seat for 130 minutes - it's SUCH a tense, draining film, but i was gripped right from the start. The film is shot in that 'hand-held camera' format, where you feel like you're right there, getting the point of view of the characters. It's a terrifying and terrible thing to see just what goes on in a place like that. Reading about it is not the same as seeing it. One of the great things about the movie is the absence of politics - it's not about why American soldiers are in Iraq in the first place. It's personal, reflective of the real men and women out there on the front line every day, because that's their job. Gritty, frightening stuff - but highly recommended.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Christchurch round-up
So, we're back. From holidays. Is there anything more depressing, for reals? But it's straight back into the swing of things, work today and busy-ness all round as usual.
To finish off our holiday, we drove to Christchurch via the Arthur's Pass. That meant taking the really windy road down to Greymouth, something i hate doing cause it makes me feel so sick when I'm sitting in the backseat. But it was such beautiful weather, at least, and the views and landscapes are amazing.

We headed back to watch Kayla at her concert for school - she sang Lady GaGa's Paparazzi so well that we shall henceforth refer to her as Kayla GaGa, mainly cause it really annoys her, and that's pretty darn funny. (Sorry Kayla GaGa.) (What? That's not your name?) (OK. My bad. Sorry Kayla GaGa). Jo and I had dinner out on the town that night, Mexican, complete with Margarita's and Quesadilla's thank you very much.
On our last day, we relaxed! There are so many beautiful parks and gardens in Christchurch, so it was nice to just enjoy them.

Dragon lanturn for Chinese New Year
Punting on the Avon River
Jo, counting down the days until the Rugby World Cup (i know y'all are too...)
Scrum time
Matthew and Jo on the field
Me and Richie. I'm pretty sure our head touched, cause i felt his post-game sweat on me, and it was good. Also, we spoke at length, of course. I said: "Can i have a picture with you Richie?" He said: "Of course you can." The sparks flew. I'm expecting his people to call me for my number any time now.
Then it was off to bed, because we had to get up at 4am to catch our flight back home. That's right. 4am. It was not a happy day.
To finish off our holiday, we drove to Christchurch via the Arthur's Pass. That meant taking the really windy road down to Greymouth, something i hate doing cause it makes me feel so sick when I'm sitting in the backseat. But it was such beautiful weather, at least, and the views and landscapes are amazing.
Once you get into the pass, it's basically a whole lot of nuthin' much for ages - beautiful nuthin',
but nuthin' nonetheless. So when the car started smoking, you can't blame me for having a total panic attack. Matthew and Jo, on the other hand, were non-plussed. "Nah, she'll be fine." "She'll cruise into Christchurch." "I'm pretty sure it's nothing." "Yup. Pretty sure."
You fill me with confidence boys.
We made it in the end, just in time to go see a movie - Shutter Island - which i quite enjoyed. Jo didn't like it much, he thought it was too predictable, and i guess it was, but i felt it was all about the atmosphere - you felt tense the whole way through, there's an eeriness about the whole place - the Island is a character in itself, and i kinda liked that about the movie.
The next day we headed out to Sumner, which is an area on the coastline of Christchurch - it was lovely out there, a good stretch of beach and all sorts of rocky caves and crags to explore.
We headed back to watch Kayla at her concert for school - she sang Lady GaGa's Paparazzi so well that we shall henceforth refer to her as Kayla GaGa, mainly cause it really annoys her, and that's pretty darn funny. (Sorry Kayla GaGa.) (What? That's not your name?) (OK. My bad. Sorry Kayla GaGa). Jo and I had dinner out on the town that night, Mexican, complete with Margarita's and Quesadilla's thank you very much.
On our last day, we relaxed! There are so many beautiful parks and gardens in Christchurch, so it was nice to just enjoy them.
That night we went to see the Crusaders play the Blues, which was totally awesome because through sheer willpower (i.e. by pushing small children out of my way), i got my picture with Richie McCaw. All Blacks captain, best player in the world at the moment AND totally gorgeous (not that i care about that sort of thing).
Then it was off to bed, because we had to get up at 4am to catch our flight back home. That's right. 4am. It was not a happy day.
I'm watching the Oscars, and Ben Stiller has been the highlight. I haven't seen so many of the nominated movies, but a bunch of them are on my list - The Hurt Locker, The Blind Side, Up, Crazy Heart and Precious. Gotta get around to it. Sometime.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Stuff i've been doing. (Part II)
Almost a week since my last post, and life in Westport is much the same. It's been so nice to just rest, read, eat, sleep late, watch movies...not obligations at all. Love it, for reals. Here's a pictorial of what we've been up to...
We've explored more of the Buller region...
We visited Jo's muso friends Grant and Maria, who live in the nearby(ish) town of Reefton. Before Jo left NZ, they were all in a band together - and they kindly put us up for the night so that Jo could have a jam with them.
Jo getting back into the swing of it. Yay for drums.
We've taken in some lovely Westport sunsets down at the beach...

I've watched Jacob jumping on the trampoline about a gazillion times. (seriously. a gazillion.)
Jo's mowed the lawns (FYI - it's not real work when you're sitting down)
Last but not least, we've spent a lot of time with these monkeys (cause they're so darn cute.)

- Rochelle and I watched 13 going on 30 twice IN A ROW cause the boys were not around and we totally could. And isn't worthy of a double viewing? I love that movie. We were not ashamed to get up and dance to the totally rad soundtrack, including classics like Michael Jackson's Thriller, Pat Benatar's Love is a Battlefield and Madonna's Crazy for You. (Thank you God, for the 80s and all its music glory.) As usual, DVD viewing with Matthew and Rochelle is a Westport staple. We've been through Role Models, Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden, Keeping the Faith, and tons of Seinfeld in the last week, amongst others.
- I've finished another book - called Living Oprah. It's a chronicle of one woman's decision to do everything Oprah (Winfrey, yes) tells her to for a whole year. Meaning, whatever Oprah says on her show, she has to do - whether its watch a particular movie, eat a particular food, exercise a particular way, buy a particular chair, re-paint your house, visit a museum, do a meditation...whatever it is, she does it. For a whole year. It was very funny and actually very fascinating.
- I've rediscovered my love for Jersey Caramels. The main ingredients for this delicious little treat, as stated on the back of the packet, are sugar, salt and vegetable fats and oils. Just sharing.
- I have another NEW cousin! Even more exciting - it's a girl!!! ZARA was born on February 25th Congratulations Joe and Vicks! Can't wait to meet her.
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