On Jo's birthday, we headed out to my parents for a BBQ and some birthday cake (not for Jo's sake of course, but because Jack loves to sing happy birthday and blow out candles. Naturally he's not fussed about whose birthday it actually is, as long as those requirements are met.)
On Saturday, I met Faatasi in Surry Hills for brunch at the Book Kitchen, an old favourite, where the date and fig pikelets with vanilla ricotta and poached pear never fail to please. What i love about Faats is that like me, he knows no bounds when it comes to food. Can't decide what you want? Feel like trying a few things? No problem, we'll order it all and damn the consequences! A man who knows the way to my heart. Stomach. Heart. Whatever.
We walked back into the city afterwards, and i went down to Circular Quay to meet the boys. We proceeded to shop till we dropped, and then headed home for birthday celebration number 2 - the annual 'Jo's Birthday Bowl Off', which we've been enjoying for about 4 years now. Leah and Chris were missing from our little group this year, being that they're 'living abroad' and all, but it was still a rowdy group of 9 or 10 of us that made the trek down the road to the local pub for dinner, and then onto disco bowling. Note the word disco. Such classics as Madonna's 'Like a Prayer' and Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' made the rounds - two of Matthews most hated artists from his most hated era, mind you, so we enjoyed singing at the top of our lungs to ensure his maximum enjoyment.
David set out from the beginning to take the glory that evening, but in the end, it all came down to the two brothers, fighting for the crown and their honour. Alas, there could only be one winner and that was Matthew, in true big brother form. The funny thing was that Jo got such a high score, his best ever i think, and Matthew STILL beat him! It's psychological, i tell you.
Sunday saw us back at my parents for some pasta and vino, in true Italian style, and Matthew even tried my mother's POTENT Italian homemade liqueurs. I was so shocked by this that i had to take a photo, below, as proof for everyone back in New Zealand. I mean that stuff is STRONG, for reals. Not even i can drink it. In fact i flat out refuse to. My Dad looking on with pride as Jo knocked it back like it was a shot of milk (please picture me rolling my eyes.)
Monday was a lazy day at home, and then Tuesday it was back to work for Jo, so i took Matthew on a little walking tour of all my favourite places in Sydney. We started through Hyde Park, saw the Cathedral, all the old buildings along Macquarie St, through the botanical gardens, around the point to the Opera House, right around Circular Quay to The Rocks, and then back up George St and more shopping. Some would say it was torturous of me to put him through 5 or 6 hours straight of walking, but i call it tough love. You'd never see anything hanging around at home on the couch, which by the way, you can do anywhere. Anyway, it was a beeeeeautiful Sydney winter day! I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to spend it watching TV...
Throw in a few world cup matches and dinners out, and before you knew it, the week was over! Time to say goodbye and see you soon we hope, and back to our normal lives, which mainly include work and more work. It's too bad. I love having an excuse to have a day off.
Its lucky for me, then, that i have just that excuse coming up this week - Yvonne is in town on Wednesday, so we're off to do some wedding stuff like dress fittings and seeing the florist and finding shoes, amongst other adventures, and then Jo's cousin Christina is here for 4 days from Friday, so that'll be more dress fittings and general fun times.
Which proves there really is no rest for the wicked.
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