On Sunday, we played parents and babysat Jack.
Actually, it was a last minute thing. And I'd already promised my stomach brunch. Since I'm not one to let a small, stubborn child spoil my breakfast plans, I decided we'd just go ahead and take the kid with us. In fact, i totally got into the urban-mom thing. Here i am, decked out with the ultimate accessory - a red pram. I look cool right? But here's the thing - pushing a pram around Crows Nest is not as fun as the other mummy's make it look. Actually, its friggen hard work. I spent most of our walk pleading with Jo to swap places. "What if you just push it up this hill? Huh? Then I'll take over again, I SWEAR!"
Our destination was St Malo Bakery in Crows Nest, which is one of my favourite places to eat around here. I left Jo to deal with the pram (I mean shouldn't they have parking bays, like every other method of transportation in this city?????) while i took orders.
"Jack, what do you want to eat?"
He looks at the menu, as if he can actually read the choices available, before announcing (with some authority): "I want a brioche with jam and butter."
A brioche? Really?
Jo cuts in. "What's a brioche?" I realise my three year old Godson has a more advanced palate than my husband.
"I don't think they have brioches here." I say.
But Jack remains unperturbed. "Then I'll have a croissant. With jam and butter."
I ask him if he wants some juice, which he does. "What flavour?"
"Blood orange flavour."
Jo nearly falls off his chair. Brioche, croissant, blood orange juice? What can I say, the kid should have been born in France.
Here's the boys, enjoying their food...
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