Thursday, June 30, 2011

A spoonful of sugar (or: a strong hit of nostalgia)

There are some movies that stick out from my childhood. My mother had taped all the old musicals for me, and i watched them over and over and over again until i knew all the words to all the songs - i firmly believe my own love of music and singing grew from this period in my life. I'm pretty sure we've got video of me somewhere, as a toddler, singing The Sun'll Come out Tomorrow from Annie pitch perfectly (if i do say so myself.)

Apart from Annie, i loved the Sound of Music, The King and I, The Wizard of Oz, Oliver, My Fair Lady - and of course, Mary Poppins. I hadn't watched the movie for a long time, but recently Maria's been playing it for Jack and we watched it together one evening a few weeks ago. I realised how timeless these movies were - Jack was getting the same enjoyment out of it that i had gotten 25 years ago, and that other children probably got out of it 25 years before that. In fact, he reminded me of myself - singing all the words to all the songs and dancing along with Mary and Bert. I still remembered every scene and all those famous numbers - A Spoonful of Sugar, Jolly Holiday, Chim-Chim-a-Nee, Lets go Fly a Kite and of course Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Lo and behold, Mary Poppins the musical came to Sydney not long after that and I knew i had to go. There was no way Jo was going to come along, so i called Mum and asked her if she wanted to go - to which she (ungratefully, if you ask me) replied 'no'.

I must admit, i was taken aback. I thought she'd be a sure bet - she loves going out for gods sake! She sees trash at the movies all the time! Mary Poppins was a classic! What the!??

"It just seems like a bit of a kids show you see," she said, by way of explanation. "I really have no interest."

Well. Damned if i was going to be deterred. I kept at her until she finally relented, and i happily purchased tickets. Which was a bloody good thing because IT. WAS. FANTASTIC.

Honestly, it's not just the nostalgia (though that's certainly part of it.) It was the innocence of the whole thing - that old fashioned, magical feeling that has less to do with special-effects and more to do with good music and storytelling. I don't mind telling you that my eyes welled up during the last number. It sounds silly, but they did a great job of translating that sense of magic to the stage - it was a beautiful production. It's showing for the next several months, and i highly recommend you bag yourselves some tickets while its in Sydney - you won't regret it.

Despite attending under duress, my mum had a great time. Which just goes to show that there's a kid inside every one of us, just waiting for a moment to come out and play. I'll accept your apologies at any time, mother.

The lovely Capital Theatre, where Mary Poppins is currently playing - do go and see it if you get a chance. RELEASE YOUR INNER-CHILD!

Mum, eating her words


Me and Mary.

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