Another week gone by! So quickly as usual. Poor Jo has been sick, he's had a stomach bug and was quite ill on Tuesday night. But he rested up and he seems to have bounced back, which is great. We have both decided we have to make a concerted effort to be healthier in our eating habits! Over Easter we seem to have gorged ourselves with all sorts of goodies...and there has been chocolate and biscuits in the house ever since then. It's time to stop!
Jo on his sick bed, poor dear.

Me and Turns, in better days...

Cold and rainy Martin Place

However - i can't stop eating french fries right now. Like...i really love them. Too much. It's a problem. There is this cafe down the road from work and i go there for lunch sometimes, and they have THE BEST french fries I've ever had. How to quell this addiction?? Maybe i just have to go cold turkey.
Oh, a note about the horse riding - WOW do my legs hurt! I mean i guess it's a good thing to be using all those muscles, but still - ouch.
So what have i been up to? Last night i went to kickboxing, which was fun, and it seemed easier than last week - although i think that's because i know what to expect now, so i know how hard it's going to get. Ashley came along too, and she liked it, so i think she will be a regular. When i got home, Jo was feeling better, so we watched a movie - Eagle Eye - which i quite liked.
Today - well, the usual! Work, went out to lunch with my friend Turner. He is generally a pest, but we love him anyway. Like a hole in the head (just kidding Turns). So anyway, off we go to run an errand in Martin Place, and Turns tells me he has a sore foot, as he had gone to the gym this morning and ran on the treadmill. Naturally, i tried to ascertain the nature of the injury, and he rather snarkily replied 'well when was the last time you were on a treadmill?' Well fine! I told him i was going to blog my distaste at the whole affair tonight, so here you are Turns! Consider you and your bad manners blogged!
Me and Turns, in better days...
Oh, and we were messing around with the camera and ended up debating over whether it was in bad taste to take a picture of the war memorial in Martin Place with all the flowers surrounding it from ANZAC Day - he said it was, but i disagreed - after all, it serves as a reminder not only of those lost, but of mistakes we should not make again. So - here is the picture which i took after all!
And now i am cosily in bed wearing warm new pyjamas, with a cup of raspberry and peach tea - which is bright pink by the way - watching old episodes of Law and Order. I think I'll leave it there - yet another busy weekend ahead! And it's cooooold tonight!!! Rug up - like Comet is!