Suddenly it feels like i have things happening every day...and more and more stuff being organised every day too. Not that i object - i am loving trying new things right now, and really experiencing life. I guess that's what its there for - and as cheesy as it sounds, you really do only get one.
Although i don't like how quickly the years seem to be flying by - how is it possible that 4 months of the year could be gone already? It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for Christmas, and now it's Autumn again, one of my favourite times of year - crisp, sunny days, chilly - but not unbearably cold - nights, and golden everything! Leaves,'s a lovely time of year.
Even the fog this morning was impressive, though i was glad it cleared up in the end. I felt sorry for poor Cooper, out there in the frosty air, wondering how it is he could be treated so much...well, like a dog.
Having said that, waiting on the platform at the train station on a cold morning isn't my idea of fun - getting to work at this time of year gets progressively harder. Ashley and I make our own fun most of the time, as you can see.

Tonight Jo and I went to my Uncles 70th birthday party, and as always it was good fun to catch up with everyone. Max was looking his adorable best, though he was tired and a little sick, so not as cheerful as usual.
Hilarious photo of Jo and David that i just had to post!
And it's a busy weekend! High Tea tomorrow and i am making fried chicken for dinner - not sure how that will turn out, but i will let you know. A chocolate walking tour on Sunday morning with Jo - which i will explain more about after I've actually done it - and then a BBQ on Sunday night for Peter's birthday...which means i can see Jack! And next week - horse riding, movies, kickboxing, will i keep up!?
So true about the busy life and it becomes doubly busy for me what with a baby!!