This afternoon I left work a little early, and Maria, Peter and I took Jack to his first Easter Show! I'm pleased to report he had a greeeeat time - though by the end of the day he was absolutely exhausted from all the fun.
We started with all the animals - the horses were a clear winner, particularly a noisy but friendly Clydesdale called Abbott. We also went to the animal nursery to feed all the baby animals, there were goats, cows, chickens, sheep...Jack was in animal heaven. Though we did have a few run-ins with some narky goats who didn't want to share the food with anyone else!
Onwards to look in some pavilions after having a nutritious meal of corn on the cob and pancakes...the food pavilion was great, plenty of stuff to taste! We said we wouldn't go to the showbag pavilion, but because Jo couldn't come along we decided to get him a couple of showbags so he could share the fun, sort of.
Then some rides - Maria and I took Jack on the Carousel, which seemed to go round and round for an eternity...Jack enjoyed it for the most part though, but by the end we had to keep him amused by yelling "Where's Daddy? Where's Daddy?" every five seconds. We also re-captured out youth by going on the flying swings (Maria and I, not Jack obviously), and it was great - a highlight for me was watching Maria hand her smelly, animal-pooey thongs over for safe-keeping to the poor lady who was checking we were strapped in properly. Last but not least Jack went on the spinning tea cups which i think he enjoyed the most!
Definitely a fun way to spend the better part of my Thursday...see some pictures below!
Jack points out the baby chicks to me
Jack...pretty buggered after a big day.
I am looking fwd to taking Yash next year...he is too young for this year...