Christian and I
After a sing-a-long, a 'who can roar the loudest' contest, a backyard soccer match, and Jo donning a yellow hard hat to dig with Raffaele in the sand pit, it was time for us to go. Back to our Sunday night special for dinner - the local Italian place, who do a mean garlic bread.
Max and Raffael with their zoo hats - Max seems bewildered by the whole thing. Raffael is putting on his 'smile' face - meaning, when you ask him to smile for the camera, that is the face he pulls out, even if he has food in his mouth. I tell him this is gross, but he just laughs at me.

I've recorded so many movies on the foxtel box and have had no time whatsoever to watch them. I suppose my hectic social schedule simply does not permit it. Grr.
The weekend started with a bang at Kat's big 30th birthday bash - great fun had by all, and plenty of cocktails consumed i can assure you. Who can say no to Cosmopolitans after all? Some hilarious photos came out of the night, as you can see below. So - happy birthday kitty kat! Hope you had a great night, we did!
Saturday would have been the perfect day for a sleep in, considering the previous evenings antics, but alas, it was not to be - i was up and out the door to meet Mum, and Leah and her mother, to see a French film called Summer Hours, which was beautiful for scenery, though the story was a little slow. Still, very real to life, and Juliette Binoche is wonderful in everything she does, in my opinion. Plus, I felt better after I'd had a coffee and some painkillers. We stopped for an after-movie pick me up at the new Guylian cafe in Circular Quay - yum, i must say. I came back home to this: Utter Laziness, is the caption I'll use on this photo. Just look at these two.
Despite the downpour last night, we ventured out to Natasha's cocktail/housewarming party - she an awesome flat by the way, gorgeously decorated. A few Bellini's later, i was enjoying the mini pizzas and meatballs, the cupcakes and chocolate dipped strawberries - another fun night had by all :)
So here we are again, Sunday night and another working week upon us. Jo and i are both convinced that a 4 day work week/3 day weekend would really work much better, don't you agree?
I agree about the 3 day weekend:-)