This, to me, is a crazy concept. I'm lucky if i cut my hair every 6 months, let alone every 6 weeks. Having said that, i am left with an unkept horses mane as opposed to perfectly glossy, straight locks, free from dreaded split ends. The worst of it is, my hair grows at an almost unmanageable rate - i swear i went for a hair cut only a couple of months ago, and now it seems as though it is back out of control!
Is my hair rebelling against me? Is it screaming for attention, kinda like a cat who's left in the house all day and poops in every shoe you own while you're at work?
I do not know the answer to these challenging questions. But I do know that i can neither afford or be bothered to visit my (perfectly lovely, mind you) hair dresser any more than i am - and shall thus continue to look like a hippie for the rest of my days.
Had a lovely ride today on Bob tonight, even though he had to crap twice and pee once in the space of an hour. Perhaps he thinks this kind of show and tell will make me go easy on him, but alas, he is wrong. I wasn't quite happy with my canter transition today - Bob was tossing his head all over the place too, which didn't help. Not that I'm trying to blame the horse. (It's all your fault Bob, i demand another, more capable steed next week). He kept nudging me for treats while i was trying to put him away tonight too, but i had no licorice (his favourite thing!)
Meanwhile i have discovered a new toy on this photo-adjusting-thingy site, where you can upload a photo and it looks like it is hanging in a museum, like this:

See! It's Comet! In a museum! Amaaaaazing!
I'll treat you with some more shots:

Jo and I are about to watch The Devil's Advocate, which I've not seen but he insists is great, and as i don't have much else to say, so I'm off!
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