At first i was skeptical about the whole excursion. Jo's alarm went off inexcusably early for a Saturday, which at first i thought was a horrible mistake, but no. He said that I'd better get myself up and ready, cause we were going out. Obviously i was taken aback. Out? Us? In the...morning? Before...lunchtime? How can this be? Not one to argue, (what? i'm not. why are you laughing?) i leaped out of bed without one complaint (creative liberties. it's my blog and I'll lie if i want to) and we headed out for brunch, here, at one of my most favourite places in all of Sydney - the bathers pavilion in Balmoral.
In my humble (read, expert) opinion, this is one of the prettiest spots (and nicest beaches) in town - how, tell me, could you possibly disagree?
This place was built in the 1920s, and was, literally, a pavilion for bathers for about 40 years. Change rooms, lockers, shops that sold towels and caps and so on. Now it's a restaurant/cafe with a killer view and a damn fine bacon and corn hash, if you're into that sort of thing. We usually have dinner in the restaurant, but the cafe is great for brunch - much more casual. We got a great seat by the window, where the gleam off the water was so bright that i had to don my sunnies, indoors, in winter, because i have to remind you again that this IS winter, despite the 19 degree temperatures *swoon*...
Bathers from the hill
After brunch and a walk, we were off to our next destination, another of my favourite places in Sydney town, the Orpheum in Cremorne. I've talked about this old cinema before, a gem with its original features restored to their former glory. Its always a treat to see a movie there.
We were there to see Toy Story 3 (yes, in 3D), which we've been meaning to see since it came out but as usual, no time. Even as adults, we admit to loving these movies, cause who doesn't, and the third installment was a fitting goodbye to all our favourite toys. There were some new additions, notably barbie and a suitably cheesy and fashion-smitten Ken, and I'll tell ya right now that i spent the last ten minutes of the movie bawling like a baby. Even if you haven't see the first two, I'm pretty sure you'll still enjoy the this one - wrangle up some kids and check it out. Or not - hell, we were the only childless (and totally fine with that) couple in the cinema. It's funny, heartwarming, bittersweet - i guess its kind of about growing up and saying goodbye.
Tomorrow, we're off to the powerhouse museum to see the 80s exhibition they've got going there at the moment. Can you believe that?? An 80s EXHIBITION!!! FREAKEN AWESOME!!! Pictures will surely follow.
And now I'm going to the pub, so sayonara from me kiddies. Enjoy your Saturday night!
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