That's pretty much how i spent my Saturday - reading in the sun. I've finally finished The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, which is the last installment in that dragon tattoo series. Not a literary masterpiece, but definitely entertaining reading. The third one is a bit political for me, but aside from that, a satisfying conclusion. Good summer reading (and summer IS coming right up folks!!! *giddy*)
On Saturday night, we were off to Adrian's for a roast. Chicken, that is. And lots of wine and cheese, and Diva goodness. Diva is the dog, and she's hilarious, as young dogs always are.
And now, a retrospective i call "Close up on Diva":
She kind of has a Scooby Doo quality, right? Meanwhile, Sunday morning bliss: Coffee, muffin, book. And SUN. SUN!!
Sunday night we went to Maria's for dinner to talk wedding. When i say we, i of course mean me. I mean Jo was there for the dinner part. But he high-tailed it out of there when wedding talk started. We have a growing list of stuff to do, but lots of it is fun stuff at least. Alas, there are always boring details to consider. Like cars. What do i care about cars? And yet we have a fairly large bridal party that'll need transporting all over the place, so yes, we must consider cars.
Jack is at a good age, where he's funny without realising it. Like we go out for ice cream, and his new thing is to slurp it up, and then laugh hysterically because "the ice cream is making a farting noise." Ah to be young. Afterwards, we get him in the bath and he asks his mother to "get out of the bathroom because Ornella wants to talk to me." LOL. Every time she walked back in, he was all like "get out of the bathroom mum!" This is how it starts. In ten years time, he'll be saying the same thing for oh so different reasons.
Could not be more jealous if I tried. Temperature in Sydney (middle of winter) is higher than temperature in Northern UK (middle of summer). Gah!