We haven't had a hung parliament for something like 70 years, which the newspapers call "historic". I call it boring. I'm not ecaxtly the most politically minded person in the world but i do get on the election-fever bandwagon, and now i just want a result. Alas, this hung parliament business means we probably won't get one for days, or even weeks. I think England had one earlier this year, and they were in limbo for 3 weeks. Hopefully the Labor Party has better negotiating skills then they do campaigning skills, because if Tony Abbott become our next PM I'll be horrified. Which probably gives you a good indication of my preferred party, and I'm no swinger on these issues. The man's ears are enough to bring the nation to shame, let alone his policies.
So, onto the rest. Work's been pretty quiet the last couple of weeks, which makes for long, slow days. Most of this week's been spent gazing longingly out the window into the sunshine. Our office overlooks Hyde Park, and the warmer weather had everyone out to play - dogs, kids, British backpackers...everyone but ME! Curse you, consumerism! Why must I be driven to work so i can buy things? Can we not barter, like the old days? Bah. BAH!
Luckily the weekend produced some very fine weather, so at least there was that. Blue skies and white clouds - can't ask for more. Well, i can. But i won't.
And there's no better way to spend sunny weekend mornings than with a book on the balcony. My books, as you can see, are piling up. I have a ton of stuff to get to, which doesn't stops me from ordering more. I've always had a weakness for buying books, but i was recently introduced to this website, www.bookdepository.co.uk, which has cheap books, often ten bucks or less, and FREE shipping - its really too easy. Set up an account and with one click all the books you desire are yours. It's dangerous i tell you. Dangerous.
Anyway, this week i finished a fantastic book called Fingersmith - I've heard lots of good things about its author, Sarah Waters, but for some reason i've never got around to reading anything by her yet. Fingersmith is set in Victorian England, and tells the tale of an orphan called Sue, who is raised among thieves, or fingersmiths, until she becomes embroiled in a plot which could earn her and her adopted family thousands of pounds. Sent to the country in disguise as a lady's maid, her new charge Maud appears the perfect innocent, easy enough to swindle - or is she? There are twists and turns galore in this book, and i didn't guess any of them. The author's writing is really atmospheric, so there's a great sense of place established wherever the characters are, plus you really actually end up liking them, even the bad ones. Throw in some unexpected lesbian love-fests and you've got yourself a winner. A+ from me.
There are signs of spring everywhere - and i for one am ready for August to be over. Apart from voting yesterday, i read, and read, and read some more before Daniel and Romina came over for pizza and red wine, and to watch the live election results, cause we're geeks like that. As you know, our dedication remained unrewarded. But that meatball pizza was gooooood.
We headed into town today to run a few errands, and ended up walking through the rocks for a beer at the Lowenbrau, an old favourite haunt, who serve a very refreshing beer with a lemon flavoured drink thingy...that's not the technical term for it of course, but the name escapes me at present. All i can think of is pretzels, and can you blame me? The weather got a little chilly, but we walked right around the harbour anyway, cause it sure is pretty out there, for shiz. I'm suddenly starving, so I'm off to snack on Italian cheese and bread and wine and my dads homemade salami. Can you imagine a nicer dinner? Here's some pics from today to finish you off.
LOL @ the post title! You've got Spring already? Is the 2 weeks that I have better weather than you over already?? Cripes!