But there's been lots of other fun things going on, like the old man's birthday on Tuesday. To preserve his privacy, i will omit his age from this post. (Aw what the hell, he's 64.) But he doesn't look a day over 55 if you ask me. We headed over to sing a rousing Happy Birthday to You complete with TWO birthday cakes, one chocolate and one lemon, cause mum must have been hella bored that day.
Dad and his cakes
(*sniggers* they so were)
On Wednesday night, Maria and I went to see a wedding decorator to help with flowers and other bits and pieces for our venue on the day. Stuff i basically can't be bothered doing myself. The real kicker though, was this exchange:
Maria: "So, I've been thinking about our wedding."
Me: "Who's wedding???"
Me: "Who's wedding???"
My worst fears have been confirmed. She's officially taken over. (Just kidding. She's a huge help. Even if she is calling it "her new project" with a disturbing amount of enthusiasm.)
Thursday saw me at a work dinner, at Spice I Am in Darlinghurst - which many agree is the best Thai in town. It's great, but if you aren't into spicy food, avoid the duck at all cost. Spicy was an understatement - I felt like my lips were swollen for the rest of the evening. It was a like a bee had stung me. Luckily i was plied up with New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, so by 10.30 i was laughing hysterically at pretty much anything anyone said to me. Still, i wasn't as bad as a certain someone who shall remain nameless (*coughs*Adam*coughs*). To the delight (and by delight i mean disgust) of other diners, he started doing push-ups in the middle of the restaurant. Obviously I won't be letting him live that one down anytime soon.
To round off the week, we went to the movies last night. Which would have been great except that Jo picked The Expendables, which really was the biggest pile of crap I've seen in a long time. Next time a bunch of old dudes want to live out one last action-hero fantasy from the glory days, the studio should just say no. Firstly, WHAT is with Sylvester Stallone's face? He looks like an aging French pastry chef from a Disney cartoon. Secondly, did he write the movie as well as direct it? Cause that screenplay was something else. I cringed for the entire 2 hours. At one point i actually couldn't restrain my laughter. Picture this: our hero, Sly, has just fought off about 50 bad guys to rescue the girl. She's on the verge of being raped by some other bad guys, so naturally she's petrified, and Sly's pretty pissed about the whole situation. So he kills them too. Here are the lines:
Her (spoken in awe-struck whisper): "How are you here?"
Him (oozing masculinity): "I just am."
He'll win some awards for this one. For sure.
You went to a restaurant where they didn't appreciate a spontaneous work out session? Well, I'll know not to go there in future! I don't care how good the food is. If I can't do some bench presses (just pretend I can) after dinner, then it's not the kinda place I want to go to.