So wrote Emily Dickinson, and so say I! (I know. I may as well be shouting Hark! to the heavens while I'm at it. Whatevs.)
Anyway, my point is - Summer is soooo totally on its way peeps. We've had like 4 hot, steamy days in a row, and yeah OK, today it all took a turn for the worse, but this has surely got to be the last winter chill right? RIGHT?
PLUS, its true - there's nothing like a summer sky (hey, cheese ain't a crime.) This is how i know it's coming...
*giddy* Even when the clouds roll in before a storm, its way better. Y'all know I'm right. In other news, Jo and I went to see that Joaquin Phoenix movie 'I'm Still Here' last night. It was hella weird. And we were in a cinema full of those arty types who clap in the particularly 'inspired' moments, or make comments like "He's a genius" after the credits roll.
Pfft, i wasn't impressed. I mean i get that it was meant to be performance art and all, but still. The premise is this - remember like a year or two ago when he went totally whacky and grew a beard to rival that homeless dude on George St, and did that Letterman interview where he came across as a total douche bag, and said he was retiring from acting to become a hip hop artist? Turns out it was all a hoax (as was rumoured at the time), and his brother-in-law Casey Affleck was filming it all to make a mockumentary as a commentary on celebrities and their interaction with the media. Which is fine, but WTF is with all the penises in this movie, seriously? And what does that have to do with celebrities and the media? Also, do we have to see him ordering hookers and then doing the dirty with them? Or sniffing coke like a giddy teenager? Or see his friend crap on his face? Yeah. I just said that. I mean I'm no prude, but what were they trying to achieve by doing this? Cause hoax or no hoax, the dude comes across as a class A idiot. I'm all for art and challenging social norms and pushing the boundaries of film and performance, but honestly, i didn't get what the message was. The media didn't even feature that heavily, and when it did, it was mainly about all the rumours that were around at the time, about his behaviour and his look and his supposed new career. Which is to be expected. I mean you can't be a movie star without the celebrity. It might not be fair, but its true. And a lot of the time, that celebrity is what keeps them interesting to the public, and therefore employed. I reiterate - its not fair, but its true. Anyway, there were interesting moments in this film, but on the whole, i walked away wondering if it was worth it for him. Cause he hasn't done a movie since.
Jo and I have a new thing, which is, we walk everywhere. My friend Faatasi got us into this, since he's dropped a ton of weight via this method, and since the weather's been warming up and the days are getting longer, we thought - sure. It beats dieting. On Saturday we walked from our place to Surry Hills, which took an hour. You see a hell of a lot more on foot. We combed the cute side streets and had ourselves a delicious lunch in a sidewalk cafe - pulled pork and chutney sandwich anyone? Oh Lord, thank you for pork, the most delicious of all meats. Amen.
Please note the sleeveless dress.
Apart from walking all over, our weekend was spent catching up with old friends, and of course the pest, who never fails to get a laugh. Maria and I cracked open some limoncello, the authentic stuff actually FROM Italy, that's like, 80% alcohol, 20% other stuff, and understandably Jack wanted in. I didn't see the problem, (what? it's not like he's a baby. he's two. and a half.) but Maria yelled the house down so i had to wait until she had her back turned. He stuck his tongue in the glass, pulled back in alarm, eyes popping, and exclaimed "Whoa!" in sort of a stoned teenager voice, then laughed. Totally worth getting in trouble for. He didn't want anymore by the way. Thanks to me, he probably won't touch the stuff for the rest of his life. Now that's parenting.
They've definitely made sure he knows his good words from his bad words though. Peter accidentally dropped the F-bomb in front of him, and he wasted no time whipping around, pointing his little finger in his face and saying, quite crossly, "You can't say that bad word Daddy! Or you have to go in the dungeon!" The dungeon is an excellent form of punishment, by the way. It's actually the laundry, but its prime position under the house makes it perfect for threatening naughty two year olds. Gives the poor kid the shakes just thinking about it. *sniggers*
Incidentally, i just watched the Britney episode of Glee, and Brittney, Glee's Brittney, is totally awesome. I have a new respect. Long weekend coming up, and daylight savings starts on Sunday. So. Pretty much all manner of awesomeness reigns. I have some book reviews to do too, but i can't bothered tonight. Next post though!
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