Saturday, June 6, 2009

I don't wanna sleep...i just wanna KEEP ON LOVIN' YOU.....(oooooooooooo)....

'Keep on Lovin' You' by the great REO Speedwagon - just one of the maaaany marvellous tunes we sung and danced to last night at a dinner party hosted by Kama, where i think great fun was had by all (especially Tony....).

We wined and dined on Dad's vino, Kama's excellent pork and potato's (even though i had to wait TOO LONG for it to be put in the oven ready for my munching...) and her friend Alison's very rich and delicious chocolate mousse cake...yum! But for me, as always, it was clearly the role of DJ that i coveted most - plucking out classic tunes to dance the night away to. Highlights included Cheap Trick's The Flame, Dave Dobbyn's Slice of Heaven, Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give you Up and Sade's Smooth Operator...

Anyway, we knew it was going to be a cracker of a night as soon Agadoo came on. Black Lace anyone?

Jo and I went with Mum to see Terminator Salvation this afternoon...not my choice of movie, obviously. But they enjoyed it. It was OK, and i liked seeing a fellow Aussie, good old Sam Worthington, in the lead role, and he was good too. Plus McG directed it, so we had to be supportive.

Leah and Chris are coming over tonight for some Thai and a movie or two, not sure what we'll pick but since David got the media centre up and running, we have hundreds of movies and TV shows to pick from, which is grrrrrreat! I think something scary may be on the agenda.

Fantastic that it's a long weekend too - God Bless the Queen i say, since the public holiday is all in her honor. Bad news is, after this, there isn't another long weekend until OCTOBER. So basically nothing at all to look forward to except the dark, bitter winter...ew.

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