Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's ok to wear the losers jersey. Not.

Those pesky Queenslanders got us again. Although it ended up being a closer match than expected, all things considered. But enough with the video refereeing if you please?! Just make a call on the ground, and if you HAVE to go to the video ref, don't look at it a hundred times because OBVIOUSLY that's going to create more and more doubt...i mean am i wrong? I really don't think I'm wrong.

Bah. Enough about the game. I feel the boy's have learnt something tonight, we'll get them next time. Famous last words...

I enjoyed a nice dinner out on Monday night at Malaya down on King St Wharf, and let me tell you, the food there is deeeelicious! More importantly, however, i didn't pay for a thing, work did. Maria and even Jack were there too, which made it even more of a funny evening, as Jack was sitting behind this little girl whom he instantly started crushing on. Her parents didn't look particularly impressed though,and kept turning her around so she couldn't see him. No problems, Jack just kept pointing at her mother and yelling "No! No!" at her whenever she did, as if willing her to just butt out of their blossoming relationship already...hilarious.

I even had an amusing cab ride home - my cab driver was perhaps Eastern European, and as soon as i got in he said "OK, is duty of cab driver to take customer home safe - but is responsibility of customer to tell entertaining stories to cab driver whole way. So. Tell me funny story of your day please."

Errr, OK.

But i did as i was told and tried to think of amusing stories, and he really ended up being a hoot, so funny.

Tuesday was my riding lesson, and this time i was on Benjamin, who is a very young horse, only 4 years old, and not finished his schooling yet. So we are making a little project out of it, pairing me with him permanently i think because no other riders ride him apart from the staff. He isn't even listed on their website actually, because they don't put anyone on him usually - i found out why when he spooked and threw me off!! However, not to worry, i think he was more scared than me, he came back very contrite indeed and nudged me with quite funny concern. He is still horse shy, and very hard to ride because he is still learning himself - but i think we will learn a lot off each other, so looks like we are to be a team. I have a feeling there will be a few more falls off this one before we're done...!! He is very cute though, and loves people - just not other horses! So when one comes charging over too fast for his liking, he says no thanks, and spooks, shies, doesn't know what to do - hence my fall. Gotta get right back up there though, is what i say.

Back home, we finished off more Prison Break - it's way too addictive though, if we aren't careful we stay up till all hours watching "just one more". And the thing is, you KNOW you aren't going to get a resolution, no matter how many episodes you watch.

I think that's about all my news for the week so far. Wish me luck, i have to do this presentation on Friday morning in front of all my work colleagues, eeek!

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