On this sunny afternoon, as we sit here listening to The Boss crooning away (he has become a household favourite, as a matter of fact), we are pondering on the art of being refined. For those of you that know us personally, you will, of course, be aware that Jo and I are probably some of the most unrefined people you could possibly meet. Jo is a beer drinking extraordinaire, who prefers to don t.shirts and shorts and whose idea of good living consists of lounging around on the couch watching sport or MTV. I like to think I'm a little more culturally attuned, but at the end of the day, I'm the first to put my hand up for a night out with my friends cheap wine, 80s music and the bar that everyone loves to hate - The Retro. Plus i can swear like a sailor in two languages.
We've therefore concluded that what it all comes down to is being able to act. In other words, role playing for grown-ups. And Thursday night was a fine example of our ability to pretend.
We headed out for drinks and dinner with Leah and Chris, to celebrate Leah's birthday. When one of us girls is planning such an occasion, we generally like to dress up and head out somewhere a little bit fancy, cause let's face it, when it was Jo's birthday we had dinner at the pub followed by a round of bowling. Which was no less fun, but i mean. We're girls. We need the Special Factor. So we started the evening with drinks at the
Orbit Lounge, which is a revolving cocktail bar set high above Sydney, and is a birthday favourite for Leah. Naturally, we started with a round of cocktails (my regular cosmopolitan for me, and a ruby sunset for Leah), before heading into Muscato territory (which is an absolute favourite for both of us).
By this stage, the boys had joined us too, and we began discussing the big issues, like how much we all despise that ridiculous Kinder Surprise ad on TV. Have we all seen that?? If you haven't, you're in for a real treat cause I've linked the YouTube video right
here. You will note that they attempt to use the word 'surprise' as much as they possibly can (cause that's just darn clever advertising), including as a headline in the paper the Dad is reading. The marvellously catchy jingle teaches us a very valuable life lesson. To make a lovely surprise, it says, you take a day
without a surprise, and then, wouldn't you know it? YOU become the surprise! I mean, who knew that total happiness rested on such a simple and easy to achieve premise! The person who posted the video says it best in his headline 'Most rage-worthy ad every created', and the comments seem to concur, with one person adding that they have to leave the room when it comes on TV. We agree. What i want to know is, when this gets created, what advertising execs are sitting around their boardroom thinking "Yes, this is the right advertisement for us. We love is so much it makes us want to go out and buy more kinder surprises. I love how I've heard the word 'surprise' used in this ad so much that subliminally i now was a surprise myself! Give us more bad acting and idiotic tunes so we can sell sell sell!" In reality, a poll conducted by an Independent Committee consisting of me has shown that most people want to kill themselves after seeing this commerical. So please, never show it again. This rant was dedicated to Chris. (It's over now.)

View from Orbit Bar
Leah making an important business call
Me being refined. I know i have to work on it a bit.
Leah and I
After a few drinks, it was time to head off to dinner. Our reservation was for 8.30, because (in case you didn't know) refined people like to eat late. We went to Rockpool Bar and Grill, which was recently renovated and re-opened in the old National Mutual Building (built in 1936), and has a real art-deco feel to it. In fact, it kinda feels like you've stepped back in time to 1930s Chicago - you expect to see gangstas around every corner, but it's completely fabulous and beautiful, and....expensive. Nonetheless, we started with an aperitif, with Leah ordering the Refined People's Drink of Choice - a pimms. There are wonderful black and white prints everywhere of sensual looking women, and rows and rows of wine and champagne glasses line the walls from floor to ceiling. Marble columns grace the dining hall, and dark wood tables and chairs with low lighting set the mood. We loved the atmosphere, and when we were finally seated, we looked at the menu and really had no idea where to begin. Everything looked good, but we finally settled on prawn cocktails and ricotta and asparagus bruschetta to start with, and then i had the prawn and goat's cheese tortellini with pine nuts and raisins, and Jo had wagyu beef fettuccine. We decided to skip the 'Leatherjackets with 'Crazy Water''" (errr?). Wine was poured, jokes were told, and when the meals came out, they were predictably small but very rich tasting. I really don't think i could have eaten more, but Jo insisted on telling us how much per bite he was paying - "This is $5 bucks guys, going down the hatch".
He and Leah proceeded to indulge in a little tete a tete about the merits of feminism in this day and age - with Jo (of course) taking the view that you can't have your cake and eat it too (that is, if you want all things to be equal, than she should hold the door open as much for him and he does for her), and Leah taking the view that good manners are still good manners and always will be (that is, Jo should always open the door for her, no matter what.) I'm not sure who won the argument, but Jo felt he triumphed with this little beauty: "And where was Mrs Einstein?? In the kitchen where she belonged, that's where!" which won him no points from us.
Jo looking very refined in his suit (but hello, he has to wear this to work, so it's not like he suited up just for dinner. Still, it's all part of the act.)
Jo and I looking refined. Notice my neck scarf, the sign of a very refined woman indeed.

Leah and I, slightly flushed from the vino, but refined ladies always have a little colour in their cheeks.
All in all, i felt we played being refined very well, even though i embarrassed the table when Leah asked where the bathroom was by getting the giggles cause the instructions were so long and complicated. "Don't forget to twirl three times before you enter!" called Chris after her, which set me off even more.
Great night had by all, as always, and we all thought that the food and atmosphere was great, albeit expensive and definitely reserved for special occasions only.
Last night we had a less refined experience at my aunt's house with all the kids - some relo's visiting from Adelaide, so a family dinner ensued, which was fun except for the part where Raffael got into my Uncle's garden and picked about 30 green tomato's...woops. Jack's current favourite game is to push me off the couch and then make a sad face, saying "Poor Ornella!", which amuses him for hours, but not me.
Gotta run to yet another BBQ, my cousin Chantelle is turning 16 (I can't believe that, i remember when she was BORN! A sure sign of getting OLD!), so ciao for now!