Jack himself even seems embarrassed by the new do. When you ask him who cut his hair, he frowns, and with a dismissive wave of his hand proclaims that the "naughty man" did. Luckily, he is still as charming as ever - when Jo asked him on Sunday what my full name was and he was able to say it correctly, he was a rewarded with a "good boy!" "Thank you Jo," was Jack's reply, followed by a big kiss. He kills with cuteness. Other random phrases he seems to have picked up of late include "bless you" and "hello everyone", which he likes to yell into crowds. He also lumps all humans now into two faceless categories - man or girl. For example, he will say to a stranger who is male "hello man", or to a female "bye bye girl". No further identification required.
Tell me he doesn't look like a two year old thug, cut off t.shirt and all.
This week and for the next two weeks we are staying at my parents cause we're on dog-duty, while they're away on holidays. Which would be OK if both dogs weren't so neurotic. Cooper barks all night - i can't believe I'm saying this, but i think he actually misses my Dad. I know, right? I was shocked too. So every five seconds you're out there telling him to shut the hell up and go to bed (except it's possible i use more curse words in that sentence than one normally would in polite society). Plus, he goes crazy for any attention, which means if you go out there he practically mauls you and pins you down so you can't ever get away from his monster grip.
Comet, on the other hand, is so old that he seems to just forget where he is most of the time. Since we have to leave him inside all day while we're at work, and being that he is the equivalent of like, 112 in human years, there's usually a surprise or two waiting to greet us when we walk through the door. Actually it's probably payback for abandoning him all day. "Take that, bitches".
Speaking of Comet, His Royal Preciousness needs attending to, so I'm off (before he wees all over the floor just to spite me).
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