To celebrate this joyous occasion, i have decided to list for your enjoyment my top 5 Leah moments:
5. The time she laughed so hard she snorted Strawberry Moove milk up her nose and it came out through her nostrils all over her nice, clean school uniform. Way to go love.
4. The time we went to see the movie Jurassic Park and she screamed and dropped ALL of her popcorn and ALL of her drink everywhere (are you seeing the food connection?)
3. The time she was doing a Backstreet Boys impression (like, hardcore) at school camp and one of our teachers walked in right at the part where she dropped to her knees as wailed out the last chorus. I believe the song was 'As Long as You Love Me', but do correct me if I'm wrong Leah.
2. The time we attempted to make frozen ice-cream like you get at Chinese restaurants, but instead of freezing the ice cream balls for 24 hours like the recipe said, we froze it for like 2 hours tops, and then nearly burnt the kitchen down when the ice cream melted in the pan - think black smoke and fire overtaking the oven. Luckily i was there to save the day, cause she ran screaming from the kitchen like a total drama queen.
And my Number One Leah Moment is....*drumroll*....
1. When she ran out of the sports shed at school shouting in a mad panic that she'd lost her tracksuit pants, before looking down and realising she was wearing them.
We celebrated today by going out to lunch, and taking some happy snaps, cause let's face it, a bull that size deserves to be captured on film. Here is the birthday girl....
In other news - the judges have spoken, and have awarded the old man First Place in a wine competition! Way to go pops, and here he is with his First Place certificate, of which he is very proud. Proof at last of his alcoholic achievements.
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