A couple of weeks ago, we went to my cousin Lia's wedding - a very beautiful affair, with kind of an 'old Hollywood' feel to it. Maria and I spend all morning beautifying ourselves for the big event - hair done, nails done, make-up applied, ongoing fights with Jack to get ready...the usual. In the end, i had to promise him that Batman would be attending the party also, and wouldn't it be a shame if he missed out seeing him there? Lies of course. Didn't feel bad about it or anything.
Lia and her now husband Charles were getting married in St Mary's Cathedral, very grand, and perfect for a dramatic entrance as you can see.
Now, her pageboy was Max. I call this segment "When good idea's go bad." Max is not quite two, and its possible he found the whole experience overwhelming and stressful - i don't really know, and he couldn't really say. The simple fact was that when it came time for him to walk down the aisle - he said no. No thanks! Not interested. You have fun though. Still, it seemed a shame to waste the adorable tux, and his mother WAS Matron of Honour, so hell, let her drag him in. Which is fine, except it's a pretty long aisle. Plenty of time for a not-quite-two-year-old to go from sort of upset to totally inconsolable. The situation was made worse by the photographer sticking a camera with a massive flash in his face. That really brought out the screams. I'll applaud Susie though. Her face turned the agony into comedy. It said "I know. I'm sorry. I'm not happy about it either. But let's all just try to move forward."
The rest of the ceremony went without a hitch, and Maria and I actually got teary when Lia walked in, totally awesome veil and all, even though i NEVER cry at weddings and don't think I'll cry at my own. Max continued to give me the giggles - he was not ashamed to let out a miserable wail every few minutes, and at one point actually attempted to join his mother on the alter. I make fun of this now, but Jack is three times as stubborn, so I'm pretty sure I'll get my own back.
Here's Max, post-trauma:
And here's me and the pest -
Aaaaand here's me and Jo outside the church. (PS, i love my dress. Love. It. Just sayin.)
Then it was onto the reception, which was at the same place Jo and I are having our reception at, cause it's owned by Italians and therefore all Italians want to get married there. The downstairs area had been set up as both a dance floor and a chill out section in the back, where people could mingle. Upstairs was where all the tables were set up. They did this really cool thing which i loved, but forgot to take a picture of - a sort of photo wall, where they displayed a wedding photo of every single person on both hers and his side of the family who had ever been married - grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone. It was very sweet, and kind of funny to see the old photos - like my parents. Dad with chiseled cheek bones, mum with long brown curls...the years have not been kind. (totally kidding guys.) (or am i?)
Here's the new Mr and Mrs (see what i mean? Definitely channeling that old Hollywood glamour.)
Me and my awesome dress. I mean David. Me and David. (And Frank's fat head in between us).
Mum and Jo (you'll note the boozing has already begun here. This will continue until we leave the reception at midnight. By then, Jo will have fallen off a stool in the "chill out" section, attempted to start a conga line with my equally boozed up brother, and have acquired the hiccups, which will not go away for at least 30 minutes.)
Me and Zara, who is actually known as Cheeks (cause hello?), and who on this particular evening chose to don her Dolce and Gabbana from Paris. Don't blame her, it was divine.
Lia, looking gorge -
Bridal table -
(A word on Susie - she was approximately 15 years older than every other person on the bridal party, including her partner. As you would expect, this earned her the name Cougar, which my mother had no shame in calling out to her as she walked back up the aisle with him at church. Over the course of the evening, Cougar was adapted to the more suitable 'Susie Cougs'. And that, folks, is one that's gonna stick. *sniggers*)

All the girls -
All the girls -
Honestly, it feels like just yesterday that she got engaged - and now its all over! That time flew by. It's a cliche, but its true. I'm sure we'll feel the same way. And actually, going to someone else's wedding made me feel more excited about my own. I haven't been to one in ages, so i kind of forgot what all the buzz is like, everyone excited and emotional and all that. When it rains it pours though - next year, we have three other weddings, as well as our own. GAH!