This post is aaaaall about the cuteness. So if y'all get bored of seeing pictures of cute dogs and cute kids, time to bow out now, cause my weekend was full of 'em.
Now as you know, until not very long ago we had flatmates, David and Mel. They've bought their own place now, and even more recently, their little family went from two the three. And if you know David at all, you know I'm not talking about a kid. I was dying to meet the new addition, so on Friday night we headed over. Thus, allow me to introduce....*begin drum roll*...the completely squee-worthy...*drum roll continues*...Barney!!!! (*end drum roll*)
Barney is only a couple of months old, but he already has his owners wrapped around his little finger. Of course he doesn't have fingers, but if he did. You know.
His hobbies include playing with his toys...
...hanging out on people's laps...
...and chillin' with his folks...
Obviously, I'm in love. And incidentally, so is David. Which cracks me up, cause he was never was one to understand the bond between human and pet. For all the grief he gave me about how much i loved my dogs growing up, it really is satisfying and smirk-worthy to watch. For example, he refers to Barney as "the baby." "The baby" has been known to sleep in the bed with him. He talks to the "the baby" like it really is "a baby" - for example "Come to Daddy!" or "Give Daddy a kiss!" He is even enrolling "the baby" into daycare, because he can't bear the thought of him being home alone during the day when they're at work. He's investigating local schools for "the baby" to attend when he's old enough, and was horrified when Mel accidentally stood on "the baby's" tail - she was forced to apologise multiple times to "the baby" thereafter. Jo and I spent most of the night looking on with a kind of sick fascination at this display (when i wasn't openly pointing and laughing, obviously).
I spent most of the next day with Maria and Jack. We had a dress fitting in the morning, and then i went ahead and got my nails painted this colour, just for the hell of it. Cause I'm wacky like that.
We had a look around for shoes and jewellery for the wedding while we were at it, before we dropped the kid off and headed to lunch and a massage in Crows Nest, just because. It was, in fact, my first massage. I rather enjoyed it, apart from the whole being naked with just a tiny towel over your butt thing. Still, who knew your kneecaps could feel so good?
And then, to cap off a fab day, i hung out with THIS pest, the cutest of all pests, who's just gotten a guitar that's about as big as him. Now tell me. Has there ever been a more handsome musician in all the world? I. Think. Not.
And he comes up with some crackers. When we came back from our massage, Maria, with arms wide open, asked "Did you miss us!!??" He considered the question, and then replied, quite frankly, "No. Me no miss you guys."
OK. Thanks a bunch, kid.
On Sunday, i donned my posh the-ay-tre outfit...
...and went with some friends to see this...
...which was FREAKEN AWESOME. If you don't know, it's the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. The great thing is you'll know all the songs - even if you think you won't, trust me, you will. I loved it - it was funny and the singing was awesome. Go see it!!
Afterwards, i met up with Jo and we went down to the harbour to see the giant rugby ball. Yes, i did say giant rugby ball. The kiwi's, pesky folk that they are, have hauled one giant-ass ball all around the world to advertise next year's world cup, and it's finally landed here. Actually, i call that pretty clever marketing. You actually go inside the ball, and there's this whole presentation about New Zealand, and its history and legends and all the great stuff you can do there, culminating, of course, in the suggestion that we all head on over to check it out for ourselves.
So that was the weekend, and now we're approaching another and i just don't know where the time went. We've been making our way through the seventh season of Entourage (started slow but picking up nicely now) and the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm (I know, we're a bit late), so I'm off to watch TV. (What? I love TV. Don't judge.)
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