Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is it just me or is it COLD?!

Another week gone by! So quickly as usual. Poor Jo has been sick, he's had a stomach bug and was quite ill on Tuesday night. But he rested up and he seems to have bounced back, which is great. We have both decided we have to make a concerted effort to be healthier in our eating habits! Over Easter we seem to have gorged ourselves with all sorts of goodies...and there has been chocolate and biscuits in the house ever since then. It's time to stop!

Jo on his sick bed, poor dear.

However - i can't stop eating french fries right now. Like...i really love them. Too much. It's a problem. There is this cafe down the road from work and i go there for lunch sometimes, and they have THE BEST french fries I've ever had. How to quell this addiction?? Maybe i just have to go cold turkey.
Oh, a note about the horse riding - WOW do my legs hurt! I mean i guess it's a good thing to be using all those muscles, but still - ouch.
So what have i been up to? Last night i went to kickboxing, which was fun, and it seemed easier than last week - although i think that's because i know what to expect now, so i know how hard it's going to get. Ashley came along too, and she liked it, so i think she will be a regular. When i got home, Jo was feeling better, so we watched a movie - Eagle Eye - which i quite liked.

Today - well, the usual! Work, went out to lunch with my friend Turner. He is generally a pest, but we love him anyway. Like a hole in the head (just kidding Turns). So anyway, off we go to run an errand in Martin Place, and Turns tells me he has a sore foot, as he had gone to the gym this morning and ran on the treadmill. Naturally, i tried to ascertain the nature of the injury, and he rather snarkily replied 'well when was the last time you were on a treadmill?' Well fine! I told him i was going to blog my distaste at the whole affair tonight, so here you are Turns! Consider you and your bad manners blogged!

Me and Turns, in better days...

Oh, and we were messing around with the camera and ended up debating over whether it was in bad taste to take a picture of the war memorial in Martin Place with all the flowers surrounding it from ANZAC Day - he said it was, but i disagreed - after all, it serves as a reminder not only of those lost, but of mistakes we should not make again. So - here is the picture which i took after all!

Cold and rainy Martin Place

And now i am cosily in bed wearing warm new pyjamas, with a cup of raspberry and peach tea - which is bright pink by the way - watching old episodes of Law and Order. I think I'll leave it there - yet another busy weekend ahead! And it's cooooold tonight!!! Rug up - like Comet is!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why did i ever stop riding!?

A quick post tonight to say i had an absolute ball at my riding lesson tonight - i had totally forgotten how rewarding and fun horse riding is. Plus, it's something I'm actually good at - it felt really good to hear that this is something i seem to be naturally good at, and i felt it all coming back to me once i was (pardon the pun) back in the saddle!

I rode an a lovely horse called Arci, and i was certainly put through my paces - it may not look like it, but riding is hard work! It's all about posture and using your thighs and calves to control your horse. Even just keeping your arms in the correct position for so long takes a bit of effort - it's a good work out! But more than that - i just LOVE horses. Always have. I love to ride, the thrill of it, the smell of the horse, that feeling of literally having to be one with the animal for it work smoothly - you have to work WITH the horse, and some people have that ability to make it look seamless.

They are a beautiful, beautiful animal - powerful, trusting, amazing, smart creatures. Anyway - it's great, great fun, and i can't wait for another lesson next week.

Now I'm sitting with Jo and David watching the Biggest Loser finale - we are all addicted to this show! Still, whatever you think of reality TV, i have to say - it's pretty damn amazing what these guys have achieved. I'm actually getting teary watching it!!

Ok, have to run. About to have a lovely cup of peppermint tea on this chilly night.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

High tea, chocolate and birthdays...just another weekend.

I am super tired as i write this. It's been a weekend full of activities, and, while satisfying to be out and about doing new things, i must say it does take it out of you! I'm glad to be at home, in bed with a cup of peppermint tea, about to settle in to some junky TV before sleep!

Let me recap - Saturday dawned bright and beautiful, the perfect ANZAC day, not that i made it to any dawn services i must admit...but from what they showed on television, it looked very moving, both here and in Gallipoli. Jo and I got up and went for a brisk walk in our valiant attempt to be healthier, and not so lazy! We stopped off for coffee on our way home, and then it was straight into the shower for me to get ready for high tea with some lovely ladies at the Observatory Hotel, which was delightful!

It was served in a lovely big room which looked part English library, part French diner - altogether gorgeous, either way. We started with French champagne before munching on sandwiches, mini panacotta, creme brulees, cupcakes, cheesecake, opera torte and scones with homemade strawberry jam and clotted cream. And of course, tea - my favourite was a wonderfully scented jasmine variety.

Our high tea platters!

Back home, i was going to make fried chicken for dinner, but kind of fell behind schedule - so i made tangy pork instead, with some lean, pork fillets, cooked in oil and vinegar, and then braised in a lovely marinade of lemon, lime, pine nuts, basil, lemongrass and garlic. Served with rice and a big green salad - light and healthy! It was yummy. AND, i even baked a cinnamon cake for dessert.

Another sunny, although windy, day today, and Jo and I went off on our Chocolate Walk this morning. Jo had got me vouchers for this was for Christmas, and it was really enjoyable! We went to several different chocolate shops and cafes - such as Haigh's and the Lindt cafe - learning all about coffee and chocolate, and different bits and pieces about Sydney's history along the way too. I would really recommend it, our tour guide was lovely, and we got to sample alot of chocolaty goodies. I was stuffed by the end! Here we are, enjoying some treats...

Raced back home to get ready to head out again for Peter's birthday (Happy Birthday Pete!), where it was a madhouse of children running around laughing and crying and screaming all at once - but i always enjoy every minute. Jack, i am happy to report, is finally starting to walk a little, and he seems very excited by the discovery! I'm sure within a few weeks he will be walking all over the place like a pro. As always, i came away having eaten far too much, and with a huge plate of dessert to take home.

That's all for now - but another busy week ahead.

Sweets on our tour!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How did life get so busy?!

Suddenly it feels like i have things happening every day...and more and more stuff being organised every day too. Not that i object - i am loving trying new things right now, and really experiencing life. I guess that's what its there for - and as cheesy as it sounds, you really do only get one.

Although i don't like how quickly the years seem to be flying by - how is it possible that 4 months of the year could be gone already? It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for Christmas, and now it's Autumn again, one of my favourite times of year - crisp, sunny days, chilly - but not unbearably cold - nights, and golden everything! Leaves,'s a lovely time of year.

Even the fog this morning was impressive, though i was glad it cleared up in the end. I felt sorry for poor Cooper, out there in the frosty air, wondering how it is he could be treated so much...well, like a dog.

Mist in my parents backyard

Cold Cooper!! :(

Having said that, waiting on the platform at the train station on a cold morning isn't my idea of fun - getting to work at this time of year gets progressively harder. Ashley and I make our own fun most of the time, as you can see.

Tonight Jo and I went to my Uncles 70th birthday party, and as always it was good fun to catch up with everyone. Max was looking his adorable best, though he was tired and a little sick, so not as cheerful as usual.

The birthday boy

Hilarious photo of Jo and David that i just had to post!

And it's a busy weekend! High Tea tomorrow and i am making fried chicken for dinner - not sure how that will turn out, but i will let you know. A chocolate walking tour on Sunday morning with Jo - which i will explain more about after I've actually done it - and then a BBQ on Sunday night for Peter's birthday...which means i can see Jack! And next week - horse riding, movies, kickboxing, will i keep up!?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A short post because I am buggered - just to say that I fiiiinally went to my first kickboxing class today...and I loved it! I actually was able to keep up, which totally shocked me considering I exercise...never. And it felt good! Hard, but good. Ok, I cheated on a couple of sit ups...well, all the sit ups...but I did my best!

Another accomplishment for today - I booked my first riding lesson for Monday evening at Eastside Riding Academy, which is in Centennial Park. I can't wait! I haven't had a lesson in years, but am eager to - get back in the saddle. Yes, I did just say that.

Off to finally finish Vogue before bed - I have a feeling I'll be sleeping well tonight.
I'll leave you with this hilarious photo of Comet in the bath...don't be deceived, he almost looks happy here, but he most certainly was not!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last night's antics make for tired Nell!

Still, had a great evening. Tony, Kama, Linda and I went to a 5 course dinner at Bird Cow Fish in Surry Hills, for an event they hold monthly called a food writers dinner. They pick a - you guessed it - food writer/cook and take recipes from their books which make up the 5 courses, as well as have special guests such as journalists, food critics and restaurant owners to talk about the writer and how they have inspired them.

There was plenty of wine and candlelight and delicious food, and the writer in question last night was Elizabeth David, who wrote a number of cook books from the 1950s right until the 1980s. She was inspired in particular by food of the Mediterranean which, compared to the insipid British kitchen, was fresh, colourful and varied. The way she actually wrote was great too - she described the food and recipes in a way that made you want to eat them, and she seemed to have a good sense of humour too.

So we had a really lovely time - hope to do it again! Oh, and let me just take you through the courses - braised and fried breast of lamb, salt cod puree with toasted bread, mussel soup, roasted pork loin with prunes, crisp green salad and chocolate and almond cake with quince fool...delicious!

Jo and I were meant to go to the movies tonight, but he ended up getting home a little too late, so we ended up at our local Italian restaurant for some take out pizza and pasta...another unhealthy dinner I admit, but still yummy! Argiro showed us both up by making a salad with schnitzel for his dinner! What a good boy.

We've settled in to watch Speed now, an old favourite of ours for hilarious one-liner value ("Focus Jack! Your concern is the bus!") - even though Jo knows the thing off by heart and insists on reciting every, single line...grrr.
Evening highlights:

Argiro cooking veggies - amazing!!

Jo finishing off his nutritious BBQ chicken pizza...

Me modelling the dress i bought on the weekend at the vintage festival. 20 bucks, bargain!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lazy Sundays

Had a lazy Sunday at home today, and after all the rushing around of the last couple of weeks, it was such a nice change! Did not venture out of bed until 11am, headed down to Mascot to get a coffee and breakfast...then came back and lazed around reading magazines! Blissful!

I did do one thing today, i baked a yummy cake - apple and cinnamon cake, which turned out really well if i do say so myself! The grated apple made it so moist...Argiro and Jo seemed to enjoy it, so i guess i did ok :) It was a nice autumny cake i thought!

Tonight we headed out to dinner with friends at Radio Cairo, which was great - really nice food and a warm atmosphere.

And of course last night was Tony's 50th birthday - we had a great night out, it's always so good to catch up with everyone! Lots of laughs and teasing and talking about old times, something that always makes me smile. I'm really lucky to have grown up in such a loving family, even though we can argue and disagree and get frustrated with each the same time, we are always able to laugh together, and rely on each other, and talk any time. Those are my most favourite times, when we are all together, and happy.
Here are some pics!

Jo, Tony the birthday boy and me

Charlie and his big head, me and Jo

Stephen and I

Family shot

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Red wine and vintage clothes

I went to the vintage clothes festival today with some friends - which was great, there were so many stalls chock full of amazing old clothes and jewelery and scarves and hats and coats...some really beautiful and outrageous stuff!

Of course i managed to find 4 dresses, which are now hanging snugly in the wardrobe. There's just something about vintage clothes isn't there? Not knowing where they have been or who it was that used to wear them, and what happened to that person...and when you put it on you become a part of that history too! Plus, you find so many cool colours and patterns and i just love that 50's and 60's shape that the dresses have - tight up top, and flared down the bottom! Which is so flattering :)

Last night we went out for dinner at Sahara to celebrate Miles' birthday. It's a morrocan restaurant...really nice food, but lacked the atmosphere i think. Anyway, i enjoyed quite a few glasses of red wine, as was able to catch up with Natasha who is finally back from London-town after 3 years away. Maria and I having fun down below.

Tony's 50th birthday celebration tonight - should be fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jack goes to the Easter Show

This afternoon I left work a little early, and Maria, Peter and I took Jack to his first Easter Show! I'm pleased to report he had a greeeeat time - though by the end of the day he was absolutely exhausted from all the fun.

We started with all the animals - the horses were a clear winner, particularly a noisy but friendly Clydesdale called Abbott. We also went to the animal nursery to feed all the baby animals, there were goats, cows, chickens, sheep...Jack was in animal heaven. Though we did have a few run-ins with some narky goats who didn't want to share the food with anyone else!

Onwards to look in some pavilions after having a nutritious meal of corn on the cob and pancakes...the food pavilion was great, plenty of stuff to taste! We said we wouldn't go to the showbag pavilion, but because Jo couldn't come along we decided to get him a couple of showbags so he could share the fun, sort of.

Then some rides - Maria and I took Jack on the Carousel, which seemed to go round and round for an eternity...Jack enjoyed it for the most part though, but by the end we had to keep him amused by yelling "Where's Daddy? Where's Daddy?" every five seconds. We also re-captured out youth by going on the flying swings (Maria and I, not Jack obviously), and it was great - a highlight for me was watching Maria hand her smelly, animal-pooey thongs over for safe-keeping to the poor lady who was checking we were strapped in properly. Last but not least Jack went on the spinning tea cups which i think he enjoyed the most!

Definitely a fun way to spend the better part of my Thursday...see some pictures below!

Feeding a goat

Jack points out the baby chicks to me

On the carousel above, and the teacups below...

Jack...pretty buggered after a big day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where is my Vogue subscription??

As a self confessed fashion-lover, i love spending quality time with my Vogues - from all over the world - and for Christmas this year Maria gave me a 12 month Vogue subscription - which is great! Granted she didn't actually purchase it until March, but better late than never i say. SO the first issue i was meant to get was April, but i never got it! I waited like two weeks after it came out in stores...but eventually i couldn't stand the temptation and i got it myself. Hopefully it will come next this normal? Was i too late on the list to receive April's issue? Who knows, hopefully it comes next month.

Also, i have a new TV show that I'm loving - Pushing Daisies. Anyone else watching this? It's so...whimsical! Lots of colour and madness, but very well made so far. Considering the trash that's on TV right now, this is definitely one to watch (if you have foxtel).

Oh! I'm reading the new Jodi Picoult novel - they are hit and miss, but this one's a hit. It's called Handle with Care, and it's her usual formula if you know her books at all, but actually has a storyline that pulled me right in. Read it if you want something that isn't too challenging, but with a topical storyline nonetheless.

By the way. See below for David's standard set up when he gets home at night. The lounge room from the other angle shows what he watches - Family Guy. Why have foxtel is all you're going to watch is Family Guy!? Then again he can't understand why we would watch the dreaded documentary when there are so many sitcoms available :)

And here's a couple more photo's from Easter! Tony, Zio Angelo, Charlie, Mum and Dad, and then me and a very full Jo.

Monday, April 13, 2009

So I've started a blog. I'm going to attempt to keep this as sort of a diary of my life obviously, because its nice to be able to look back at everything you've done month after month or year after year...and I'm forgetful so this might be a nice way to remember how great life has been to me on the whole!

End of a long weekend - so back to work tomorrow. But it's been a fun weekend - we enjoyed a seafood feast on Good Friday with my cousins, including my gorgeous Godson Jack. The children were cheerful and cheeky as always, and it was nice spending the day with them. Jolyon and I went to the Blue Mountains on Saturday as you can see from the picture below, though the traffic to get up there was a nightmare. But it was wonderfully misty and wintery once we finally made it, and i made sure i had tea and scones to warm me up, which seems the mountainy thing to do.

We were at my parents on Easter Sunday for more eating...and we even braved taking Cooper, our family Dalmatian, for a walk, which can be a scary thing let me tell you. I recently read Marley and Me and i believe Cooper rival's Marley's post as world's worst dog. We love him all the same, but honestly, how many things can one dog chew through? And also, the jumping all over me has got to stop. I'm talking 20 kilos of dog here. Whose nails aren't necessarily clipped regularly. He's too cute though -

Today we had brunch with Susie, Adrian and baby Max who is hilarious. But it rained the rest of the day, so I've been watching movies like Steel Magnolia's for the better part of the afternoon, much to Jo's distaste...