Monday, October 26, 2009

A note on breasts.

So, i just wanted to point out to y'all that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and there is still a whole week left to participate. If you haven't yet, get out there and buy a pink ribbon or any of the other cool stuff the National Breast Cancer Foundation have on sale. OR, make a donation here if you like, on their website, because without donations, we will never be able to improve treatment, let alone find a cure, for a disease that will affect one in nine women in this country. In fact, it's the most common form of cancer for women in Australia. The good news is, the survival rate of women with breast cancer is also improving.

As the proud niece of TWO fabulous aunts who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, this is a cause i strongly believe in. One of them is still alive and cancer-free - many years after her illness. The other is no longer with us, and missed every single today. She was the bestest and strongest woman i have known apart from my own mother, and even when nobody believed she could, she fought that son-of-a-bitch disease like a trooper till the day she died.

Not that I'm bitter or anything, but I hate cancer. It took away one of the people i loved most. But it's a fact that you will almost certainly know someone in your lifetime who will be diagnosed. So i urge you to help me say 'screw you cancer' and donate to this important cause - and remember to be vigilant in checking your own breasts every month because early detection is the key.

Now that my public service announcement is over, i also encourage you to head on over to my bestie Faatasi's blog - he is a laugh a minute, and you'll also see that his latest entry talks more about our (mis)adventures yesterday afternoon. You can read that here - i take no responsibility for fits of laughter that may cause you to choke on your own phlegm.

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