Monday, October 19, 2009

Of lazy days and snail bait

Our weekend consisted of considerably less running around that normal, and thank goodness for that cause I'm just too damn tired to think straight let alone negotiate social situations with my usual finesse. Still, we did enjoy the pleasant company of a number of very nice people.

On Friday night, we met up with an old friend, John, who hosted quite the par-tay actually, we all had great fun. As is often the case when you drink a lot of wine, i recall every story he told as being marvellously funny, though i should point out that John IS actually a marvellously funny story-teller, so it really couldn't have been that bottle of muscato (methinks...). He is one of those rare people who can tell a story that goes for at least 45 minutes or more, but you're still hanging on to every word by the end of it because he's not at all boring. The vino certainly did flow though, and by the end of the evening we were gathered around John's piano as he played some very spirited versions of Hey, Jude and Daydream Believer and Che Sara, Sara and we obliged his musical genius by belting out the tunes accordingly (if not a little tipsily. but let's face it, that 'na na na na na na na' bit in Hey, Jude is the perfect 'round the piano on a drunken evening' song. right? am i right?).

Although i may or may not have suffered from a slight headache the next day which had nothing at all to do with any alcohol that may or may not have been consumed the night before, we were playing hosts that evening to Daniel, Romina, Maria, Peter and Jack, so we had to go shopping in order to feed the masses. David recently purchased a BBQ, and it was such a nice day out we thought it would be great to fire it up and cook some good old fashioned meat (funny story - he initially got a small BBQ which we all felt was appropriate for apartment living - it was more like a grill really, and perfectly fine until his friends came over and gave him grief about how small and girly it was. His manhood clearly threatened, he went out the very next day, returned it and brought home the biggest BBQ I've ever seen). So anyway, everyone came over and we had a lovely evening - it was warm enough to eat outside which i love in summer. Plus Jack kept everyone entertained as always.

Sunday, on the other hand, was totally lazy. I spent the day watching trashy shows like The Rachel Zoe Project (NEW SEASON! FINALLY!), and reading. We watched Righteous Kill, which had both Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro in it, but still manages to be just OK...actually, i dozed off for about 15 minutes somewhere in the middle, so for all the hype when it came out about the two of them being in a movie together, it really didn't do it for me.

In other news, Cooper the wonder dog managed to get into Dad's shed over the weekend and ate himself a nice pile of snail bait. To be fair, it was all Dad's fault cause he left the door wide open, and he really should know by now that Cooper isn't going to stand back and respect the fact that he is under no circumstances allowed to be in there. No siree, he's gonna barge right in and take whatever he can as quickly as he can. Which is exactly what happened. After helping himself to a large portion of snail poison, he promptly threw up (like, a lot), and was rushed to doggy hospital to have his stomach pumped like some sort of drug addict. I'm told he eventually made a full recovery, and is back home bouncing around and being a pest as usual. Alas, Cooper isn't the brightest crayon in the box, so I'm confident if Dad left the shed open again, he'd be right back in there finishing off what he didn't manage to fit in the first time round. Hopefully the door is firmly locked from now on...

One more thing. Our work Christmas party this year is dress up, and the theme is Famous. When i asked Faatasi who i should go as, he immediately replied "Lady GaGa". Whilst the idea of wearing a wacky space-age outfit complete with a severely cut peroxide blonde wig initially thrilled me, i soon realised that there was no way i could get my hands on a wheelchair or sparkly cane fast enough, and as these seem to be her current favourite accessories, the impersonation would just be incomplete without them.

So. I'm looking for other suggestions.

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