Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas tree construction 101

Every year, i put up my parents tree and Jo decorates their house in lights because...well, because they can't be bothered. Fair enough.

Step 1: Find suitable place for tree. As you can see, I've chosen a window area, where the tree can be seen and admired by neighbours and passers by.

Step 2: Pull out tree and place base in approximate position you'd like to see tree in. (Note and then ignore ancient box held together by very christmassy grey masking tape).

Step 3: Assemble tree and lights. Lights must always go first, so you can then assess where best to put decorations.

Step 4: Rest. That's probably enough work for one day.
Step 5: (Next morning. Alright, next afternoon. Who cares, it's the weekend.) Put on decorations. It's nice to stick to a classy theme, as i have with gold, cream and silver. (What can i say, I'm a classy lady. Right? What? No, i am.)

Step 6: Le pièce de résistance - the star! Westward leading, still proceeding! Guide those wise men to baby Jeebus! This is always the last step cause it's super important.

Step 7: Admire handiwork. Choice, bro.

Step 8: Create beautiful window display et voilà! Très magnifique, no?!

Alrighty, so that got done. Meanwhile, Jo was busy with the Christmas lights outside, which are still a work in progress, but coming together nicely i think!

Entangled in web of passion. Doesn't he look passionate?

I loves me a man on a ladder

Our work so far! Yaaaaay Christmas! It's the most wonderful time of the year! That Christmas Carol says so!

In other news - it's my birthday tomorrow. So wish me a happy birthday or I'll send the plague to get ya. HA, just kidding. I wouldn't do that. *blinks*

1 comment:

  1. that's more passion than in our home...will load some xmas pics soon x
