Monday, December 21, 2009

Well. Go ahead and call me Wifey....

...cause I'm gettin' hitched people. (Not today or anything. But eventually.) Firstly i MUST thank everyone for their well-wishes!! We've gotten so many texts and phone calls and emails and facebook messages and even a card (thanks Daniel and Romina! our first card!!) from our family and friends that we're just feel so gosh-darn loved right now.

So now you'll be able to follow the adventures of wedding planning on this blog, and i will take bets right now on whether y'all think I'm going to turn into a Bridezilla or not - i say no, of course that could never happen. Jo laughs in the face of this proclamation and says I'm already 3 steps away from wedding-meltdown. Lies, i tell you, lies.

Anyway, first things first - here's my BEAUTIFUL ring which I'm SO in love with....(from three different angles, cause HA I'm the bride and i can do what i want.) (What's that you say? Bridezilla? I don't know what you mean...)

Details we know so far? Not a whole lot, except that we're looking at a March 2011 wedding. March cause it's such a nice time of year, not too warm and not cool yet either (though with all the crazy weather lately, who the hell knows how any day will turn out). December is a write off cause it's Christmas, and then New Years, so from January that gives me (i mean us) 14 months of planning, which is pleeeeeenty of time. Surely. And I'm not going to be lazy, like i have been with my Christmas shopping. I'm going to be totally vigilant about getting things done on time, and I'm not going to get distracted one bit. I swear. O_O
We've already done just a spot of celebrating, with my bestie Leah (who is going to be my beautiful maid of honour) and Chris. I told her before we told everyone else (sorry kids) and she wasted no time in racing over with some chilled champers and a stack of wedding magazines - what a gal! Now, its true things got slightly out of hand once the bubbly was knocked back and the Backstreet Boys came on...but other than that, it was a totally civil celebration. For realsies.

Chris looking absolutely delighted at our news (and not at all staging his smile under Leah's artful direction)

Chin chin! Check those wine glasses out. The class i tell you, the class.

Leah thinks Jo is so hilarious, which is lucky, cause I'm stuck with him now.

The happy couple. (Me and Jo i mean. There aren't any other happy couples in this picture that i can see)

Me and the lovely Leah!

So there you have it folks. Am i the luckiest kid on the block? You betcha. Cause i get to marry the bestest guy and my bestest friend, and that is the truth. No more mushiness from me though. Cause wedding fever

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